LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Two more LMPD officers test positive for COVID-19, chief says


RE: Two more LMPD officers test positive for COVID-19, chief...

May 1st, 2020 @ 3:50PM (5 years ago)

You win the prize for the stupidest thing posted anywhere on the internet today. COVID19 is not racist. It doesn't care what color you are even though you apparently do. The black folks in the west end have nobody to blame but themselves for getting the virus when the ignore recommendations to wear masks and practice social distancing. I guess it's inbred into them to ignore the white man (the Governor) because of their slave days. I don't really don't give a crap. Survival of the fittest and the smartest.

RE: Two more LMPD officers test positive for COVID-19, chief...

May 1st, 2020 @ 8:05PM (5 years ago)
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It's good to see that you get your talking points straight from the DNC.

Enjoy the next four and a half years.

