LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Two more LMPD officers test positive for COVID-19, chief says


RE: Two more LMPD officers test positive for COVID-19, chief...

April 16th, 2020 @ 3:47PM (5 years ago)

Knowing what the community's expectations are is a basic part of being a good patrol officer. The best advice is stick to enforcing the laws the community on your beat actually wants enforced. Don't rely on Conrad or his lemmings to interpret what that is because they get it from Fischer who gets it from activists that lobby him downtown. The public has routinely told them they're wrong at every community meeting for years. Nobody in the west end wants felons carrying guns or selling dope to kids. Nobody in the east or south end wants their property stolen. If you arrest a felon, nobody will mind. If you slam somebody on the ground who you find out later is innocent, then you f--ked up.

Those in the higher ranks are clueless halfwits who --might-- have once been good cops. Few are good cops anymore or remember what that involves. To survive in the law enforcement bureaucracy and do your job at the same time you must know when to follow the rules to the letter and when you can safely ignore them. Otherwise you end up being a demoralized do-nothing or else somebody who's always in trouble. Using common sense, knowing SOP and the law to the letter and letting a lawyer speak on your behalf when SID is trying to hang you on behalf of a vengeful command officer is the key to that. This isn't a job for people wanting to coast to retirement or who just want power over others. The old ways of doing things will land a lot of people in trouble today.