The social distance gestapo is being encouraged by the panic-inducing nature of media coverage. I'm sure this doctor will get off with a slap on the wrists, being a white east end doctor with friends who'll put in a good word for him. Nevermind that he was the one who got up in their faces and tried to strangle a girl. He's lucky there wasn't anyone around but some teenage girls to do anything about it. He could have easily ended up beaten to a bloody pulp or worse if a pissed off father had been
The social distance gestapo is being encouraged by the panic-inducing nature of media coverage. I'm sure this doctor will get off with a slap on the wrists, being a white east end doctor with friends who'll put in a good word for him. Nevermind that he was the one who got up in their faces and tried to strangle a girl. He's lucky there wasn't anyone around but some teenage girls to do anything about it. He could have easily ended up beaten to a bloody pulp or worse if a pissed off father had been