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Louisville officer who shot man was to be fired, now being suspended


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Louisville officer who shot man was to be fired, now being suspended...

February 16th, 2019 @ 8:55AM (6 years ago)

The 1.8 million dollar bullet

Louisville officer who shot man was to be fired, now being suspended...

February 16th, 2019 @ 3:12PM (6 years ago)

Deep Metro is a lilliputian version of the Deep State. Prosecutors are sometimes prosecutors, sometimes persecutors and other times coverup artists.

Their real job is to keep the power structure intact and the power elites powerful.

Play the video for Exhibit 1

Louisville officer who shot man was to be fired, now being suspended...

February 16th, 2019 @ 7:30PM (6 years ago)

That last round fired though...

Listen closely to the unseen officer in the background. "Awww God,"

The Big Jussie Smollett Lie

February 17th, 2019 @ 9:23AM (6 years ago)

Off topic, but I hope this liar is prosecuted for his lie of being attacked by white "redneck MAGA supporters." I knew this story was a lie from the very start. He needs to win an Academy Award for Best Acting. He is an embarrassment to his race. I also won't hold my breath waiting for an apology from him or any of the crazy fire breathing lefties, Hollywood elites, Democrats and main stream media. Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Don Lemon, Sharpton, etc... owe white America an apology as well. The main stream media and the rest of the liberal loonies continue to step in whatever pile of fecal matter is placed in front of them. They never learn. Spout off first and be the loudest and then wait for the facts to come in. The Fake News is also all too happy to promote their narrative of Hate America and President Trump. Maybe if they were not so eager to humiliate Trump and MAGA supporters, they wouldn't continuously make fools of themselves. Seems *ss backwards to me. Here is a novel concept... Maybe wait for the FACTS to come out first before you vomit nonsense about "lynchings, hate crimes, etc..." When you have to make up lies to support your weak argument that MAGA supporters are racists, then you have already lost the argument. The only racist in this whole fabricated lie is Smollett.

Louisville officer who shot man was to be fired, now being suspended...

February 20th, 2019 @ 8:13PM (6 years ago)

Louisville officer who shot man was to be fired, now being suspended...

February 21st, 2019 @ 1:20PM (6 years ago)
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10 days for pulling a trigger?

February 22nd, 2019 @ 8:54AM (6 years ago)
Posted by: Retired one

So this officer got 10 days for pulling a trigger on an unarmed man? Being scared, nervous, or down right jumpy is not an excuse for this line of work. John Hardin got terminated after being found not guilty in court for his incident with no firearm involved. He just filed a lawsuit to get his job back. I believe he should get his job back, and back pay. He was found not guilty and violated far less "policy" than the female officer who pulled the trigger. The city paid $50,000 to settle with the accuser in the Hardin incident. The city paid close to $1.5 million for her incident. Something just isn't adding up.

Louisville officer who shot man was to be fired, now being suspended...

February 24th, 2019 @ 10:22AM (6 years ago)

Imagine you're sitting with your spouse and children at Olive Garden and some dude walks up and blows some other dude away in the next booth. Not even in a traditional Crip-n-Bloods shooting gallery like the west end, but on the Outer Loop during business hours. That's something that wasn't even imaginable 10 years ago.

There are probably a few officers who'd be concerned by that. The ones who'll one day have jobs with the feds, at KSP or in another city most likely.


Louisville officer who shot man was to be fired, now being suspended...

February 28th, 2019 @ 9:32PM (6 years ago)

Another prime example of Louisville's born-to-lose sociopathic youth raised by the street and social justice warriors who became teachers for the summers off.

This is why Hardin will get his job back.


Louisville officer who shot man was to be fired, now being suspended...

March 1st, 2019 @ 9:28AM (6 years ago)


Maybe the Mayor will be forced to cut some of the unnecessary people drawing 6-figure salaries like about half of the Majors, all the extra Lts they have doing the jobs of civilians or Sgts, the Chief of Equity, Chief of Resilience, Chief of Louisville Forward, Chief of Civic Innovation and the Deputy Mayor for Libraries and send lots of others sitting in either civilian spots or do-nothing spots back to the street.

People get these easy high paid spots because somebody thinks politics demands having something with a particular job title to look good to the public. They work their way into them either through luck, brown nosing or a friend somewhere.

If they do disappear, you can expect they'll come back when Metro's budget situation is better. The lack of retirement options means the officers of today will be scambling even harder to find a spot off the street or else they'll have to quit. The Mayor will always want to have patronage jobs to reward those most loyal to him.

Louisville officer who shot man was to be fired, now being suspended...

March 4th, 2019 @ 4:18PM (6 years ago)

Big Forehead wants to triple taxes on insurance to make up for the 3% he needs to pay for pensions. Why doesn't he simply cut the dozens of unnecessary positions in Metro government, including the deputy mayors he's given fake job titles to and all the sworn personnel working on non-sworn duties? He could also get rid of the dozens of unnecessary traffic guard details, if only he'd move those events to one of the several dozen parks in this county instead of in the middle of major roadways every single time. If they're not going to use the parks for what they were intended, then make up the budget shortfall by selling some of that land to commercial developers.

Another reason the city's broke is he and Jerry Abramson put the city over its head in debt with all the stadiums and arenas for the marginal teams around here. Louisville's never going to be a major league town no matter how much of our money Big Forehead spends towards that pipedream.

Louisville officer who shot man was to be fired, now being suspended...

March 12th, 2019 @ 11:42AM (5 years ago)

Drag Queen story time at the library has been cancelled until the Metro council passes Fischer's tax increase.

It's unfortunate that the drag queens working in HQ and elsewhere are too busy with their day jobs to fill the void.


Louisville officer who shot man was to be fired, now being suspended...

March 14th, 2019 @ 2:38PM (5 years ago)

Not racial profiling. As explained by the LMPD.com Standards Unit the week he complained.

PSU and the chief still managed to stick the one officer with a day suspension for not pointing his camera in the right direction. Try buying some cameras that are actually suitable for police use that don't get turned in the wrong direction through normal use.


Louisville officer who shot man was to be fired, now being suspended...

March 21st, 2019 @ 11:41AM (5 years ago)

Who could have guessed that scared people who just watch unarmed victims get mowed down by a maniac don't want to give up their guns? The politicians will still have their armed guards, so it's all good, they say. I've yet to hear of a mass killing being stopped by a law enforcement officer, although we all saw at the Kroger how armed citizens can and will stop a mass shooter.

"Just 37 firearms have been surrendered to police in New Zealand following the Christchurch mosque massacre, raising questions as to how thousands of semi-automatic weapons will now be confiscated following the passage of an emergency law that makes them illegal.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced that "military-style semi-automatic weapons and assault rifles" will be banned with immediate effect along with "high-capacity magazines and parts that can modify a gun to produce semi-automatic or automatic fire."

Ardern also urged citizens to give up their guns (even non semi-automatics) when she stated, "You can surrender your gun to the police at any time. In fact I have seen reports that people are in fact already doing this. I applaud that effort, and if you are thinking about surrendering your weapon, I would encourage you to do so."

However, it has now emerged that despite a flood of reports suggesting gun owners in New Zealand were surrendering their weapons en masse, just 37 firearms have been handed in.

"New Zealand police said that as of Tuesday night, 37 firearms had been surrendered to police nationwide. They did not provide a breakdown of how many people owned those guns, the types of firearms, or the districts where the guns were surrendered," reports BuzzFeed.

The low number of surrendered guns raises questions as to how authorities are going to collect an estimated 13,500 semi-automatic weapons without engaging in a dangerous nationwide confiscation program.

The current penalty for owning banned weapons in New Zealand is 3 years in jail or maximum $4000 fine but that is expected to be increased.
