LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Jury hands demoted LMPD officer $300,000 verdict in case against city


RE: Jury hands demoted LMPD officer $300,000 verdict in case...

August 22nd, 2018 @ 10:17AM (6 years ago)

I don't know many people who are even paying attention to the impeachment or Russia talk anymore. It became old news a long time ago. CNN and MSNBC's ratings are lower than no-name reality TV shows on no-name cable networks I've never watched in my life. It raises the question, who exactly is paying for all the coverage? Not the viewers. It's why I firmly believe most of what we're seeing is political advertisements in the form of "news".

Look at the allegations being made by Robert Mueller against the Trump people and you see a lot of weak sauce. They didn't both to prosecute Ricky Kelly but have all the time in the world to hang some dude for not paying taxes on foreign income made 10 years ago. These people are in it for the fame not putting real criminals away. Some of them certainly don't deserve to call themselves law enforcement officers anymore. There's a big difference between having a job title and doing the job correctly.