LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Jury hands demoted LMPD officer $300,000 verdict in case against city


RE: Jury hands demoted LMPD officer $300,000 verdict in case...

August 20th, 2018 @ 6:18PM (6 years ago)

The Metro council should pass an ordinance requiring everyone but the Chief, Deputy Chief, and 2 Assistant Chiefs be merit employees. Until they do that, all the rest is empty words. The same ordinance can require the Chief, Deputy Chief and Assistant Chiefs to receive a majority vote of the metro council to accept or remain in the position.

All the rhetoric is wasted until they address the root cause of the department's problems. Too much power was handed to unaccountable politically motivated command officers who were far from the best available for their positions. Nobody vetted them but a glib rich Cherokee Triangle dilettante-heir whose primary talent is keeping his distance from anything of consequence going on in metro government.