LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Metro Council president accused of colluding in lawsuit against the city

The lawsuit involves Lt. Jimmy Harper, who claims he was demoted in retaliation for raising concerns about LMPD management.


RE: Metro Council president accused of colluding in lawsuit against...

August 11th, 2018 @ 5:19PM (7 years ago)

Someone's pants are on fire

RE: Metro Council president accused of colluding in lawsuit against...

August 11th, 2018 @ 7:09PM (7 years ago)

They can lie, lie, lie to the metro council because it's an institution made toothless during merger by Jerry Abramson. Merger did nothing but weaken the elected representatives to paper tiger status.

It's another to lie to a jury and expect they're going to like it. Harper will win this case. The county attorney will find some lame excuse that completely ignores why they lost, knowing he's got several more losing lawsuits just like that one lined up involving rape and molestation victims. If you think the jury will be tough on them for a whistleblower, wait until they use the same tactics on those victims.

O'Connell, Conrad and Fischer should all resign for the good of Louisville. They've done enough damage for one lifetime.