LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Metro Council president accused of colluding in lawsuit against the city

The lawsuit involves Lt. Jimmy Harper, who claims he was demoted in retaliation for raising concerns about LMPD management.


RE: Metro Council president accused of colluding in lawsuit against...

August 3rd, 2018 @ 5:47PM (7 years ago)

Theft of overtime. That's a very familiar charge at LMPD. A very frequent allegation that the Chief and PIU never attempt to handle through the criminal courts. Now we know why.

RE: Metro Council president accused of colluding in lawsuit against...

August 3rd, 2018 @ 9:04PM (7 years ago)

I just want to know what time and date the feds are going to perp walk Fischer out of city hall, because I will buy the new iPhone X with the fancy camera to take a video of that.

RE: Metro Council president accused of colluding in lawsuit against...

August 3rd, 2018 @ 11:31PM (7 years ago)
Posted by: JustMe

Looked to me Harper was wearing shorts and a t-shirt in court. Guess I been out long enough to miss that change. Judges used to not allow that.

RE: Metro Council president accused of colluding in lawsuit against...

August 4th, 2018 @ 7:31AM (7 years ago)


This may go down in history as the week the administration and county attorney completely lost the last of their supporters on the metro council. Everyone is now forced to pick a side. The neutral people are going to calculate who will most likely still be in office a few years from now and who will lose or resign by then.

"The Chief's office and the Mayor's office run interference," Councilman James Peden said. "In general, whether its manpower issues, budgetary issues, specifics of the Harper case and his demotion...the police chief, the mayor and the county attorney form a triumphant of untruth and you can't get any truth from them."