LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

LMPD officers shoot and kill man in Southside neighborhood

The shooting took place Thursday just after noon in the area of Colonial Oaks Court.


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The Democrats say that kind of crap to convince everyone... 6 years ago No image... No video...
"This is why police should speak Spanish. and if they can't... 6 years ago No image... No video...
It's strains the imagination to say that 3 separate reported... 7 years ago No image... No video...
It's all a copycat hoax. It will later come out that the... 7 years ago No image... No video...
8th division put out a suspect description that narrowed... 7 years ago No image... No video...
The mayor wont be smiling when he testifies next week, nor... 7 years ago No image... No video...
Here's some of what you never learned in life: "It is not... 7 years ago No image... Video attached to comment
That can be easily fixed if somebody gives this to a council... 7 years ago No image... No video...
Your job is not as mysterious as you think it is. The only... 7 years ago No image... No video...
We don't have any strong majors anymore either. They all... 7 years ago No image... No video...
Excellent point. I thought I was the only one who noticed... 7 years ago No image... No video...
Yes he does, if he has ever even read this. His credibility... 7 years ago No image... No video...
Those living the thug life know better. Every fight fight... 7 years ago No image... No video...
Mass shootings are a very small percentage of total shootings. 7 years ago No image... No video...
My kids white and trains MMA 3 days a week and plays football. 7 years ago No image... No video...
The downside for criminals of police not being told to lay... 7 years ago No image... No video...
You're trying to turn it into a racial debate. It shows you... 7 years ago No image... No video...
White parents are raising sissy boys. They don't want to... 7 years ago No image... No video...
THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR D1@K MEASURING, STEWART 7 years ago No image... Video attached to comment
I hope someone cool headed, highly professional and totally... 7 years ago No image... No video...

LMPD officers shoot and kill man in Southside neighborhood

July 6th, 2018 @ 11:25AM (7 years ago)

There will be free ice cream immediately after the press conference and moment of silence.

I do love seeing the left go off the deep end, calling for open borders,abolishing ICE and full blown communism while rioting in the streets.

They will really get mad when Trump wins by a landslide in 2020. The swing vote is going to see all this radical craziness and vote for him in record numbers. The booming economy makes it that much easier.

LMPD officers shoot and kill man in Southside neighborhood

July 6th, 2018 @ 3:04PM (7 years ago)
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This is so woke. Quite progressive of him.

LMPD officers shoot and kill man in Southside neighborhood

July 6th, 2018 @ 3:06PM (7 years ago)
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Why do we pay Ms. Halladay $90,000 a year..... HUGE WASTE OF TAX PAYER MONEY

LMPD officers shoot and kill man in Southside neighborhood

July 7th, 2018 @ 7:06PM (7 years ago)

It's amazing that no one in that picture has a clue on how to police or be a leader!

LMPD officers shoot and kill man in Southside neighborhood

July 10th, 2018 @ 3:55PM (7 years ago)

"No immediate actions need be taken". If Conrad were a musician, he'd be one of those DJ's who remixes the same song 100 different ways. Now he's got a McClinton to explain away the poll as just being media influence. They didn't even bother to ask any poor people in high crime neighborhoods. Polls don't get any more obviously rigged than this, but they still didn't get the clean bill of health they tried to pay for.

"A survey by the Louisville Metro Police Department and the University of Louisville finds few residents think crime decreased in their neighborhoods through 2017, especially in Louisville's downtown, west, and south neighborhoods. The report said no more than 13 percent of the respondents think the amount of crime had decreased in their neighborhoods through 2017. Most said crime stayed the same, except for survey respondents from LMPD's 3rd division, which includes Pleasure Ridge Park and most of South Louisville. Respondents there were more likely to report crime increased.

LMPD Major Andy McClinton said people's concerns are legitimate, but added that perceptions might have been influenced by media coverage. When asked about police services to help crime victims, 21 percent rated the service as poor or very poor.

But Keeling said the survey has limitations. For example, not many youth were interviewed and the median income of respondents was between $50,000 and $60,000

McClinton said LMPD command staff are still reviewing the report and no immediate changes are planned."

LMPD officers shoot and kill man in Southside neighborhood

July 11th, 2018 @ 7:03AM (7 years ago)

No one was arrested in Sh1tzelturd for disorderly conduct or harassment because command wont allow it like they wont allow the activist tent city to be shut down. They are Democrats of course. This is not even a police department anymore. This is why people quit to be assistant manager at restaurants and gas stations or work at little PDs paying less.

McConnell met by protesters, again Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell abruptly left Sarino, an Italian restaurant in Schnitzelburg, on Sunday night after protesters blared Public Enemy's "Fight The Power" and yelled "no justice no peace." It was the second time this weekend that Louisville protesters have heckled McConnell to abolish U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Louisville Metro Police arrived around 8:30 p.m. to defuse the situation, said LMPD spokesman Dwight Mitchell. No one was arrested or cited for the incident and the officers left before 9 p.m. It was the second time this weekend that Louisville protesters have heckled McConnell to abolish U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

LMPD officers shoot and kill man in Southside neighborhood

July 12th, 2018 @ 2:20PM (7 years ago)

I'm sure this is done with the best of intentions, but I'm not sure how some traumatized kid will react to being handed a stuffed dog. There is a whole shelter full of real dogs. Why not offer to pay for the dog if an officer or other employee would volunteer to go on a call-out list?

They'd even be better off letting them pet one of the friendlier K9s than a stuffed animal.


LMPD officers shoot and kill man in Southside neighborhood

July 14th, 2018 @ 3:30PM (7 years ago)


LMPD officers shoot and kill man in Southside neighborhood

July 15th, 2018 @ 7:45PM (7 years ago)

Broken cash register, $1500

Grounding and pounding an armed robber, priceless

No free ice cream or coffee was served to the perpetrator. Only a can of whoop-ass. That's some real community policing.


LMPD officers shoot and kill man in Southside neighborhood

July 23rd, 2018 @ 10:31AM (7 years ago)

This article clearly means Community Relations hasn't done enough to get out the message about all the wonderful things happening in Louisville. They and the Majors need to school these "crime fetish" people about LMPD's main mission, feel-good community events.


LMPD officers shoot and kill man in Southside neighborhood

July 23rd, 2018 @ 10:23PM (7 years ago)
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LMPD officers shoot and kill man in Southside neighborhood

July 24th, 2018 @ 2:12PM (7 years ago)


Audit: "LMPD has accepted the risk of not taking immediate corrective action regarding this issue, due to budget constraints and lack of technical ability of the current system."

James: "They have not asked Metro Council for addition money for software....we would've found the money to purchase software to handle the tow lot's responsibilities."

LMPD officers shoot and kill man in Southside neighborhood

July 25th, 2018 @ 2:09PM (7 years ago)

Got balls? He does


LMPD officers shoot and kill man in Southside neighborhood

July 26th, 2018 @ 11:56AM (7 years ago)
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Pro-tip for building security people:

When a mob of leftists come in the door wearing "Occupy" t-shirts, don't let them in the building past the metal detectors. Same concept applies to guys named Abu al-Jihadi wearing large coats in the summer.

Yes I'm telling you to profile. Profile all the crazies.

LMPD officers shoot and kill man in Southside neighborhood

July 31st, 2018 @ 1:14AM (7 years ago)
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Male and woke? Don't vote.

LMPD officers shoot and kill man in Southside neighborhood

August 2nd, 2018 @ 9:10PM (7 years ago)

The irresponsible ignoramuses at the school board proposing this insane idea must not realize this no-arrest program is what allowed the Broward County school shooter to kill all those kids. They had numerous chances to put him away but this program stopped them.


After horrible something happens here, there will be no shortage of expert witnesses willing to testify against JCPS and hand over tens of millions of dollars to the victims families for negligence.

If you have kids in the Junior County Prison System, pull them out now even if you have to work another job to pay for private schools.

LMPD officers shoot and kill man in Southside neighborhood

August 2nd, 2018 @ 9:15PM (7 years ago)

I hope someone cool headed, highly professional and totally obedient to the law finds these 2 before an experienced combat vet who hates pedophiles and has a letter from the doctor saying "periodic psychosis resulting from PTSD"
