LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective, Chief Conrad says


RE: Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

February 6th, 2018 @ 7:57PM (6 years ago)

I don't see any names. If it's buried in the thread somewhere, okay, but I'm not interested enough to even look. Posting anything negative about your employer or politically controversial under your own name usually gets you in trouble with an employer, even if it's not illegal, racist, sexist, etc. There are plenty of legitimate reasons for people not posting names next to comments in the era of "slip up online once and we will destroy your career".

The rules are enforced, just not against those command favors or is afraid of being called an -ist or -phobe word like racist, sexist or homophobe. They also don't enforce them when they might embarass command. People on the outs with command tend to get no leniency. It's a politically run department.

If you a law was broken, you're free to report it to another agency besides LMPD. If the whole world is "covering up for LMPD" then you can still sue.

RE: Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

February 7th, 2018 @ 3:54AM (6 years ago)

Response to number 2... because, based on your posts, you are obviously a deranged unhinged individual with deep seated mental issues revolving around hate and rage and need professional help. People like you are dangerous.