LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective, Chief Conrad says


RE: Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

February 5th, 2018 @ 4:39PM (6 years ago)

"Crews" of hardened felon career criminal ex-cons are commonplace. These are the exact types of criminals that require having a gang unit, street crimes unit, organized crime unit, or whatever you want to call it. The unit that goes after the worst of the worst and knows their names and habits.

LMPD is too big of a city with too much serious crime to keep up this masquerade as the small low-crime city that it was once upon a time.

RE: Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

February 5th, 2018 @ 4:43PM (6 years ago)
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Before anyone says the solution is LMINTEL or 9th or even Metro Narcotics, forget it. None of them are what I'm talking about in the other reply. They are pretenders and mini-Me's of what I'm talking about. They could easily be wearing khaki nehru jackets with their tac pants.