LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective, Chief Conrad says


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Http://thefreethoughtproject.com/trooperlawsuitretaliateofficer... 6 years ago No image... No video...
Image Upload 6 years ago Image attached to comment No video...
Gotta love how you've resorted to spamming your own site... 6 years ago No image... No video...
Image Upload 6 years ago Image attached to comment No video...
The name Hillary was completely ruined for me until seeing... 6 years ago No image... Video attached to comment
Entertain yourselves 6 years ago Image attached to comment No video...
Guess you should make the site private then! 6 years ago No image... No video...
I don't swing that way but am a big fan of Hillary Duff https://giphy.com/gifs/youngertv-tv-land-tvland-d48u0tb9EoH2LtlK... 6 years ago Image attached to comment No video...
Chris so much hatred. Come on over I work some of your frustrations... 6 years ago Image attached to comment No video...
The site is called LMPD.com not Trucker.com. It wasn't meant... 6 years ago No image... No video...
"as it has been since it was created about 15 years ago.... 6 years ago No image... No video...
Wow you piggies are killing innocent criminals and committing... 6 years ago No image... No video...
Your little dog would be yapping for his dear life, bark... 6 years ago No image... No video...
And you're the chicken sh!t badge wearing coward who shoots... 6 years ago No image... No video...
"When's the last time you ever put your life in jeopardy... 6 years ago No image... No video...
You're the kind of meely mouth coward who'd let some light-in-the-loafers... 6 years ago No image... No video...
When's the last time you ever put your life in jeopardy to... 6 years ago No image... No video...
You must not read the comments here. It's a lot of dissent... 6 years ago No image... No video...
"Every tyrannical dictator, leader of secret police,.." You're... 6 years ago No image... No video...
Cowards pigs and anonymous are all true. Add I've also said... 6 years ago No image... No video...
Don't forget, his name is Chris Murphy. He DID NOT post his... 6 years ago No image... No video...
Every tyrannical dictator, leader of secret police, and American... 6 years ago No image... No video...
Threatening to harass me? Proving how childish you pigs are. 6 years ago No image... No video...
I doubt it. Why? Misusing the laws used to put names to IP... 6 years ago No image... Video attached to comment
IP address is currently being tracked. Troll posters info... 6 years ago No image... No video...
Such anger issues. Why don't you take a chill pill or smoke... 6 years ago No image... No video...
More of you fukking cowards in action http://filmingcops.com/watch-nj-cops-gunned-unarmed-man-tried-surrender-traffic-stop... 6 years ago No image... No video...
Ok, two chuckles 6 years ago No image... No video...
Wow, I got a chuckle out of that one, and did the first time... 6 years ago No image... No video...
Wow, I got a chuckle out of that one, and did the first time... 6 years ago No image... No video...
Yes, cause nothing proves someone's an idiot like a correct... 6 years ago No image... No video...
You need professional counseling. I've got news for you. 6 years ago Image attached to comment No video...
There it is folks. There's the validation. Thanks for playing... 6 years ago No image... No video...
2+2=4... Coward! 6 years ago No image... No video...
You are an idiot. Complete idiot. Any response at all from... 6 years ago No image... No video...
My confusion? Cops are cops, and cops are cowards. Anywhere. 6 years ago No image... No video...
Billy Ray, Cypress Hill, chill bust that grill Grab the gat... 6 years ago No image... No video...
Please allow me to clear up your confusion. Cyprus is another... 6 years ago Image attached to comment No video...
They didnt use their names on their forum either. 6 years ago No image... No video...
So, what we've learned here, is that it's perfectly OK to... 6 years ago No image... No video...

Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

February 3rd, 2018 @ 11:44AM (7 years ago)

It's another reminder to those bad apples and ice cream dispensing would-be social workers who think they're here for the "easy money" and retirement that this is a dangerous profession. There are even police being shot around the country in ambushes who weren't doing anything. You need to keep a combat mindset to survive unless you just luck out like some kind of law enforcement Forrest Gump or manage to get a plainclothes job in the office.

Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

February 3rd, 2018 @ 11:44AM (7 years ago)

Detective Hyche, I pray for your complete recovery. And yes, I am glad the scumbag is 10-7 for the remainder. And I hope the other one is suffering.


February 5th, 2018 @ 11:21AM (7 years ago)

officer brad woolridge is a hero! his quick action saved lives of police officers,and problaby many people that those drugs affected. thank you officer woolridge.

Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

February 5th, 2018 @ 4:34PM (7 years ago)


This article could just as easily be written about LMPD under Conrad. It took the lawsuits, news media and politicians to get any attention on the Explorer molestation and Pablo Cano's alleged serial rapes. The default answer is conceal like a bunch of narcissists who can't stand the idea of looking bad in the public eye. Surprise, it makes you look 100 times worse when your automatic response is to cover up and lie.

Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

February 7th, 2018 @ 8:13PM (7 years ago)



kəˈrəpt/ adjective: corrupt

1. having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain. "unscrupulous logging companies assisted by corrupt officials" synonyms: dishonest, unscrupulous, dishonorable, unprincipled, unethical, amoral, untrustworthy, venal, underhanded, double-dealing, fraudulent, bribable, criminal, illegal, unlawful, nefarious; crooked, shady, dirty, sleazy

"a corrupt official"

verb: corrupt; 3rd person present: corrupts; past tense: corrupted; past participle: corrupted; gerund or present participle: corrupting

1. cause to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain. "there is a continuing fear of firms corrupting politicians in the search for contracts"; cause to become morally depraved. "he has corrupted the boy" synonyms:deprave, pervert, debauch, degrade, warp, lead astray, defile, pollute, sully; "a book that might corrupt its readers"

Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

February 8th, 2018 @ 10:50AM (7 years ago)


Does anyone see the irony in this story? An idiot like Schroeder representing the lmpd talking about gangs. The guy wouldnt know police work if a gang member came upand slapped him in the face. What a joke and an embarrassment to the good officers on lmpd. This is who is representing lmpd.

Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

February 8th, 2018 @ 5:39PM (7 years ago)

Somebody please let soon to be Officer McConico that he better hope the FBI doesn't come in with a civil rights charge. You sir, are done.

this is one of those "heroes" you morons closed roads to escort

February 9th, 2018 @ 10:44AM (7 years ago)

case in point. you decide who gets privilege by a job, instead of treating everyone the same, and dont care when you're wrong.

Well, I'll not stop telling you that you're wrong.


Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

February 9th, 2018 @ 5:10PM (7 years ago)

Troy Riggs was put into the Denver batting cage waiting for White to get his 3rd strike, just like he did in Indianapolis. With a great amount of the Mayor's usual bad judgement, White will be back in Louisville soon and his investigation closed by exception in Denver. We will be expected to forget the cloud he left Louisville under. Conrad will announce his retirement, command remains the same and everyone's happy until....

Leet wins in an upset victory.



February 10th, 2018 @ 10:04AM (7 years ago)

Remember that whole 'ignore him and he'll go away'? Well, I havent.

So who has stats supported by evidence? How many non-cop shooting victims have been given closed road escorts to the hospital? How many spouses/family members of victims?

Any of you self serving cowards got numbers?

Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

February 11th, 2018 @ 11:01AM (7 years ago)

Fun question of the day. Will Troy Riggs push White out the door in Denver?


February 11th, 2018 @ 11:47AM (7 years ago)
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Jeff Bishop can bad mouth dispatchers by name with false claims, but have this on his facebook page. I am offended as a citizen of Louisville, he would call us all mentally ill.......unfriend his smart *** on FB.... Doubt Me or my family will donate anything else to his sick family member....

Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

February 11th, 2018 @ 8:15PM (7 years ago)
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I would like to personally nominate this fine citizen for a Bell Award.

Sincerely, "Spunky" The Trucker

Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

February 12th, 2018 @ 12:19PM (7 years ago)


It should come as no surprise they are going this far to shield themselves from the emarassments of their bad decisions. The public will now never know how many killers, child molesters, and rapists that the courts unleash on the public in the name of expediency.

Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

February 12th, 2018 @ 9:34PM (7 years ago)
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Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

February 15th, 2018 @ 2:11PM (7 years ago)

How to not get killed by the police:

Comply with commands. If you think you're being wrongly stopped or "harassed" by the poleece for no reason, maybe you're right. The street isn't the place to make that argument though, it's in court. Do what you're told and take whatever action you feel is necessary to right your perceived wrongs afterwards in court. Note that this applies to all races.

Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

February 17th, 2018 @ 11:15AM (7 years ago)
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Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

February 18th, 2018 @ 10:09AM (7 years ago)
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Take a wild guess about which areas the 9th Mobile doesn't work in. It's high time for Steve Conrad and his army of papercut-victim back-officers to admit they were wrong about elimiating flex to replace west end vacant spots. All they did was move crime from one part of the county to another.

They should also admit that they've wasted 2 dozen spots on their community relations unit social work spots and other cookie-dispensing frivolities in the districts. Send those officers back to a beat or at least to a detective unit. There's not enough people for that feel-good bullsh-t

Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

February 18th, 2018 @ 3:29PM (7 years ago)


Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

February 19th, 2018 @ 6:25AM (7 years ago)

This could just as easily be said about all the murders and other increased crime happening here.


"American government is supposed to look and sound like George Washington. What it actually looks and sounds like is Henry Hill from Goodfellas: bad suit, hand out, intoning the eternal mantra: "F*** you, pay me." American government mostly works by interposition, standing between us, the free people at whose sufferance it exists, and the things we want to do. Want to drive a car? "F*** you, pay me." Own a home? "F*** you, pay me." Want to build an extension on that home? "F*** you, pay me." Got a job? "F*** you, pay me." Business good? "F*** you, pay me." Business bad? "F*** you, pay me."

The guiding principle of American law enforcement is that it is easiest to enforce the law on law-abiding people, while enforcing the law on outlaws is something that looks terrifyingly close to hard work. That's why gun control so ensorcels the bureaucratic mind. (Which is to say, the progressive mind: The essence of progressivism is replacing organic institutions with permanent bureaucracies.) If you are a federal law-enforcement agent with a comfy desk chair, you probably cannot imagine a more attractive anticrime program than gun control. Gun dealers have federal licenses, and they have to apply for them: You don't have to go tracking them down -- they come to you. They fill out paperwork. They generally operate from fixed addresses with regular business hours. Convenient! What you have is the power of political interposition, which is a mild form of terrorism. Want to operate a sporting-goods store? "F*** you, pay me." And -- mirabile dictu! -- they pay. Sometimes, they even evince gratitude that you've done them the great favor of taking their money and allowing them, generous fellow that you are, to dispose of their own property as they see fit.

Chasing down fleet-footed 18-year-old criminals through the rough parts of Chicago on a cold February evening? That's work. And that's why we don't do squat to prosecute actual gun crimes -- the U.S. attorney's office in Chicago won't even look at a straw-buyer case unless it's a major organized-crime enterprise -- but we twist ourselves into knots to figure out how to create new hoops for federally licensed firearms dealers and their customers to jump through every time some pasty-faced virgin shoots up a school.

Chasing around pasty-faced virgins is work, too. Sometimes, you have to go so far as to pick up the phone. As was reported on Friday, the FBI had been alerted that a particular pasty-faced virgin down in Florida was probably going to shoot up his old school. He had put up social-media posts to that effect, cleverly shielding his identity from the steely-eyed G-men by signing his legal name to those public threats. The epigones of J. Edgar Hoover may not be Sherlock Holmes, but presumably they can read, and some public-minded citizen took some screen shots and sent them to the FBI.

The FBI of course did what the relevant authorities did in the case of Omar Mateen, the case of Nidal Hasan, the case of Adam Lanza: nothing.

Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

February 19th, 2018 @ 9:03PM (7 years ago)
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Bring that weak àss shît

Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

February 20th, 2018 @ 8:29AM (7 years ago)

Doesnt retired major Troy Pitcock work for the KY League of cities whi ate trying to kill workers comp....

Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

February 20th, 2018 @ 3:27PM (7 years ago)

He posts. And he posts. And he posts. Nobody responds so he'll reply to his own posts. Repeatedly!! Don't take his bait! He'll cuss me out for it, but he will eventually get tired.

Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

February 21st, 2018 @ 4:39PM (7 years ago)


This is what the moron of a mayor is doing while the city is crumbling. What a pathetic joke he has turned the city and lmpd into. The men and women serving, and the citizens living in Louisville deserve better.

Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

February 21st, 2018 @ 7:55PM (7 years ago)
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The bar has been raised by the original ice cream major. How will the other majors up their game to compete?

Ribeye Steaks with Police

Full Body Massages with Police

Police Dominatrix Whippings

Diving into a Pool of Chocolate Pudding with Police

Deep Sea Fishing with Police

Antactica Expedition with Police

Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

February 21st, 2018 @ 9:31PM (7 years ago)

Another gangland drive-by in Little Detroit.


LMPD officer reassigned after admitting to beating children

February 22nd, 2018 @ 7:08PM (7 years ago)

And yet you're all silent. Nobody is condemning this pig. Oh, wait, i bet you're mad i called him a pig, right?

Armed Sheriff's Deputy 'Never Went In' During Florida Shooting

February 22nd, 2018 @ 7:35PM (7 years ago)

how about this coward? Willing to put a name to yourself and condemn him?

Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

February 24th, 2018 @ 8:46AM (7 years ago)


...the death penalty case was delayed Thursday for a reason the judge said "appalled" her and raised questions about whether a crime may have been committed by the defense team...

-Will charges be brought up on the public defenders?

Nope, cuz a judge ain't nothing but a defense attorney in a black bathrobe.

Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

March 1st, 2018 @ 11:29AM (7 years ago)

Speaking of irresponsible speeding killer cops, did that piece of **** James Adams eat a bullet out of guilt yet?


Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

March 12th, 2018 @ 7:29PM (6 years ago)

They didnt use their names on their forum either.


Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

March 15th, 2018 @ 10:44PM (6 years ago)
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Suspect killed in Thursday's shooting was shot by LMPD detective...

March 24th, 2018 @ 11:30AM (6 years ago)
