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Louisville man exchanged gunfire with off-duty LMPD officer


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Louisville man exchanged gunfire with off-duty LMPD officer

January 16th, 2018 @ 4:20PM (7 years ago)

Related to Danny Glover?

Louisville man exchanged gunfire with off-duty LMPD officer

January 16th, 2018 @ 6:28PM (7 years ago)

Isn't she a still on administrative reassignment for beating up her husband?

Louisville man exchanged gunfire with off-duty LMPD officer

January 18th, 2018 @ 6:47PM (7 years ago)


Here is a test case if there ever was one. Mayor Bikelane and Junior Governor Beshear didn't go full f--ktard like Calfornia with the Democrat sanctuary state idiocy. $10 says the California AG gets charged with federal obstruction of justice charges.

Its the same guy who filed felony charges on reporters undercover videotaping abortionists who admitted they sell body parts. The judge dismissed that one.

Louisville man exchanged gunfire with off-duty LMPD officer

January 19th, 2018 @ 11:19AM (7 years ago)

Baltimore police leader fired after record year in homicides


16 minutes ago

https://apnews.com/369ad25aff744b00848ec6faddf673ecLink copied!

BALTIMORE (AP) -- Following a record year in homicides, Baltimore's mayor fired the city's police commissioner, saying Friday that a change in leadership was needed to reduce crime more quickly.

Deputy Commissioner Darryl DeSousa, a 30-year veteran of the force, will take Commissioner Kevin Davis' place immediately, Mayor Catherine Pugh announced.

"My decision is because I'm inpatient," Pugh said at a news conference. "My decision is based on the fact that we need to get these numbers down. ... I'm looking for new and creative, innovative ways to change what we're seeing here every day."

Violent crime rates in Baltimore have been notoriously high for decades and the city has recently been dealing with increasing homicides. Baltimore ended 2017 with 343 killings, bringing the annual homicide rate to its highest ever -- roughly 56 killings per 100,000 people. Baltimore, which has shrunk over decades, currently has about 615,000 inhabitants.

DeSousa, a 53-year-old city resident who joined the department in 1988, pledged to fight violent crime by putting more officers on the streets, an effort he said is already underway. Additional uniformed officers began rolling out at 9 a.m. as part of a new initiative, he said at the news conference.

DeSousa said he had a message for the violent repeat offenders, the "trigger pullers" who "plague the city."

"We're coming after them," he said.

DeSousa has served in a variety of roles over the years and in 2017 was assigned to lead the patrol bureau, the largest in the department. His appointment will be made permanent following "appropriate approvals," Pugh's office said in a news release.

City Council President Bernard C. "Jack" Young said in a statement that he stands behind the mayor's decision and believes DeSousa's appointment "will be greeted warmly throughout the police department and the City of Baltimore."

Davis was sworn in as commissioner in October 2015 after serving on an interim basis for several months. He replaced Anthony Batts, who was fired after homicides spiked following the death of Freddie Gray, a black man whose fatal spinal cord injury in police custody triggered massive protests that year and the city's worst riots in decades.

Prior to 2015, Baltimore's killings had generally been on the decline.

In a statement, Pugh -- who took office as mayor in December 2016 and has pledged to reduce crime, boost police recruits, and improve long-neglected neighborhoods -- thanked Davis for his leadership.

"I am grateful to Commissioner Davis for all that he has done to implement the initiatives underway to address violent crime at it root causes," she said.


Associated Press writer Sarah Rankin in Richmond, Virginia, contributed to this report

Louisville man exchanged gunfire with off-duty LMPD officer

January 20th, 2018 @ 11:26PM (7 years ago)

2 more murders in the suburbs. We can't 9th west end mobile flex platoon our way out of this problem.



Louisville man exchanged gunfire with off-duty LMPD officer

January 21st, 2018 @ 11:49AM (7 years ago)

What happened to the story of the victim found shot outside of the burning car in Jtown last week? You would think a professional media would be asking questions.

Louisville man exchanged gunfire with off-duty LMPD officer

January 22nd, 2018 @ 12:47AM (7 years ago)

3 more attempted murders in the eastern suburbs.

One of the Ice Cream Majors should take them a few scoops if they live and their disgestive system wasn't penetrated by a bullet. Give them a ride in the gay police car too.


Louisville man exchanged gunfire with off-duty LMPD officer

January 22nd, 2018 @ 8:51AM (7 years ago)

10 criminal homicides (does not count Hikes Point) this year already, 3 this time last year. Jason R. where are you?

Louisville man exchanged gunfire with off-duty LMPD officer

January 22nd, 2018 @ 5:47PM (7 years ago)


The Chief, Mayor and now deputy mayors bs lies would be laughable on the explorer case. It cannot be made to be funny when we know they let kids get abused in the most terrible of ways and they did nothing for Their own Personal Gain. What A Pathetic Thing To Have happened. Now the deputy mayor has amnesia too? What A joke!!! Plain And simple. She Forgot That She Was briefed so That Means she forgot to Tell the Mayor, How convenient. Or Better Yet, All 3 Have SImply shown their "oh Well, It Was Just an investigation" Attitude Even THough Children were Victimized By Officers. Her Stating It Was a Personnel Matter Says It All Folks. Good For The lieutenant for Busting Them All Out On It As not backing down.

Whoever said Leet could win was right, these 3 have given her more than enough with this and how bad the city has become.

Louisville man exchanged gunfire with off-duty LMPD officer

January 23rd, 2018 @ 5:21PM (7 years ago)


Delahanty again.

I honestly believe he may have a degenerative mental disease impairing his judgement. There is no other rational explanation for these decisions to let murder suspects walk. He should be required to undergo a fitness for duty psychological exam.

Louisville man exchanged gunfire with off-duty LMPD officer

January 24th, 2018 @ 8:19PM (6 years ago)


An officer being compensated at the rate of $30 or $40 per hour including benefits spending an hour of their time writing a citation for a $5 tooth brush is a complete waste. It's even worse when you factor in the time of the judge, clerks and prosecutors.

If she's that broke, then Walmart should just donate her toothbrush and write it off on their taxes. That's about as sad as the people stealing small amounts of food because they have nothing to eat.

If she has money, then Walmart should charge her for the cost of the tooth brush plus a store security checkout lane fee of $20.

It's called common sense. Use it. You may have to take a job outside of government one day and will need the practice.

Louisville man exchanged gunfire with off-duty LMPD officer

January 25th, 2018 @ 11:02AM (6 years ago)

Greg Fischer's 2 terms in office will be considered one of the darker eras in Louisville history. The murders, pedophilia, conspiratorial cover-ups and rich man's aloof care-free attitude towards it all is too much for most of the citizens of this city. You can't bikelane or street party your way out of these problems.
