Lots of people predicted in 2003 that LMPD would decrease coverage in the suburbs and crime would go up there. A few naive ones didn't. It's amazing that's city of 700,000 has no division street detectives, no street crimes unit and no gang unit. That's just sheer incompetence and a lack of relevant experience in command. You can't temporary detail your way out of this problem. "those declines aren't occurring in all parts of the city. Personnel robberies, for instance, are up more than 20 percent
Lots of people predicted in 2003 that LMPD would decrease coverage in the suburbs and crime would go up there. A few naive ones didn't. It's amazing that's city of 700,000 has no division street detectives, no street crimes unit and no gang unit. That's just sheer incompetence and a lack of relevant experience in command. You can't temporary detail your way out of this problem. "those declines aren't occurring in all parts of the city. Personnel robberies, for instance, are up more than 20 percent