LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin releases plan he says will fix state pension system


RE: Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin releases plan he says will fix state...

November 7th, 2017 @ 10:22PM (6 years ago)

It's because politicians believe precisely crafted propaganda that the majority want government to be hug-a-thug and not arrest anybody.

7 loudmouths from BLM showed up at JCPS tonight to help their buddy Kolb on the schoolboard get rid of officers in schools. It instantly becomes the headline story for every news channel and the paper. Small numbers of people manipulate the media and the public for their radical agenda of ridding society of police intervention and giving carte blanche to thugs who beat, kill, rob, and rape.

Louisville will only decline from here until the regular people get fed up with murders happening in their parts of town. Louisville's politicians are otherwise content to answer to the whims of the leftist groups they consider to be their most vocal supporters.