LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Police say passerby may have saved life of LMPD officer attacked by homeless man


RE: Police say passerby may have saved life of LMPD officer attacked...

August 26th, 2017 @ 10:51AM (7 years ago)

Ford has no good police cars except the Explorer anymore. The rest of them are only good for detectives who don't transport their own prisoners.

Until the world is free of serial armed robbers and killers, LMPD will always need to pursue. Don't pay attention to any of the bullsh--t ideas command has taught you since you showed up, like "pursuits are bad". Their ideas are 90% wrong. They never knew how to police and never will. They only know how to play the politics game to get promoted. Homicide rates being up 200% speaks for itself. Drugs and gangs aren't new to Louisville. Gutless wonder command staff are new to Louisville.

RE: Police say passerby may have saved life of LMPD officer attacked...

August 26th, 2017 @ 11:01AM (7 years ago)

The police explorer is only a couple thousand more than taurus.

RE: Police say passerby may have saved life of LMPD officer attacked...

August 26th, 2017 @ 11:42AM (7 years ago)

I mostly see old women driving Escapes. It's like an overgrown Ford Fiesta. It's not something I'd ever want to police in. If they gave me one of those, I'd start applying elsewhere. Deal breaker.