Thursday, July 20th, 2017
Man charged with murder of LMPD officer blames officer for fatal crash |
RE: Man charged with murder of LMPD officer blames officer for...
All of those fancy nice little bullet talking points you posted have to do with administrative issues. Obviously you are an egg head paper pusher working in an air conditioned office downtown at headquarters bucking for job security. Not one bullet point you list deals with the safety and well being of the tax paying citizens. Where is your bullet point for the reduction in the murder rate? Where is your bullet point for the reduction in crime? Nice try, grasshopper.
- Agreed. Effectiveness is defined by outc... 7 years ago
RE: Man charged with murder of LMPD officer blames officer for...
Don't pretend you speak for the FBI or the US Attorney General. Someone may take offense at that.
RE: Man charged with murder of LMPD officer blames officer for...
All of those bullet points have a maximum effective range of "Zero", meters. Nothing but cover your azzzz liberal garbage.
RE: Man charged with murder of LMPD officer blames officer for...
That individual obviously has no understanding of what the word effectiveness means and should consult a dictionary. Their response is a lot like asking if a restaurant is any good, and replying that it has cooks, forks, spoons, cups, and a maitre'd.
I've never heard a federal agent or the attorney general say anything about LMPD or any other police department being "the premier" law enforcement agency. That's just pure fiction. I would only expect something like that if both they and LMPD were run by a clique of giggling high school girls sitting at the same lunch table. It may happen one day thanks to politics getting worse each year, but not yet.