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Man charged with murder of LMPD officer blames officer for fatal crash


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Man charged with murder of LMPD officer blames officer for fatal...

July 20th, 2017 @ 12:45PM (8 years ago)

What a piece of ****! Waste of good air!

Man charged with murder of LMPD officer blames officer for fatal...

July 20th, 2017 @ 12:45PM (8 years ago)

I really wish you didn't have his face on this site.

Man charged with murder of LMPD officer blames officer for fatal...

July 20th, 2017 @ 8:39PM (8 years ago)

Notice how quiet the local activists have been. Unlike would-be murderers, armed robbers, violent rapists and others getting shot in the act of their violent crimes, police are just supposed to die in their opinion. "It's what police sign up for"

Therein lies the fundamental difference between them and us. There is no meeting in the middle. The chief shows up to placate them like a weasel, but the truth is that those lefties who cry crocodile tears over thugs can all go f--k themselves.

Man charged with murder of LMPD officer blames officer for fatal...

July 21st, 2017 @ 9:18AM (8 years ago)



July 21st, 2017 @ 12:32PM (8 years ago)


I wonder how many will actually retire?

Man charged with murder of LMPD officer blames officer for fatal...

July 21st, 2017 @ 9:32PM (8 years ago)
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-According to the report, the men told her, "We're going to teach you a lesson about dating a black man and white [women] don't mean [expletive] in this town."

Man charged with murder of LMPD officer blames officer for fatal...

July 25th, 2017 @ 8:47AM (8 years ago)

Those flip-flops sure didn't offer much ballistic protection.

Man charged with murder of LMPD officer blames officer for fatal...

July 25th, 2017 @ 11:25AM (8 years ago)

The jihadi mullahs in the middle east sound slightly more moderate than this guy in California. If a Christian preacher said something like this about anyone else, he'd already be in jail. 8 years of Obama definitely took its toll on law enforcement.


Man charged with murder of LMPD officer blames officer for fatal...

July 27th, 2017 @ 10:55AM (8 years ago)

This will be an interesting case to watch. An error of this magnitude is enough to get people fired on most departments but obviously not here.

Chalk another clusterf--k off to too much laying down and attrition leading to a lack of experienced officers and inadequate training.


Man charged with murder of LMPD officer blames officer for fatal...

July 28th, 2017 @ 10:29AM (8 years ago)

Great job JCPS and failed parents of the west end. This is the product of schools that took God out of the classroom, replaced with lessons on personal irresponsibility and drug dealing internships.


Man charged with murder of LMPD officer blames officer for fatal...

July 28th, 2017 @ 10:33AM (8 years ago)

Another assassination of a police officer. The thug felon gangstas have declared war on police. If it's a war they want, then it's a war they get.


Man charged with murder of LMPD officer blames officer for fatal...

July 29th, 2017 @ 1:24AM (8 years ago)

How embarrassing that witnesses have to release suspect vehicle information because detectives aren't on their game here.

So far police have not commented on the specifics of the case, or any potential suspects, which is why Renee wants others to know what she saw. She said the car drove off too quickly to get a license plate number, but she describes it as a black, four-door sedan, possibly an Impala Chevy with tinted windows. She is hoping for the family of the man she tried to save, someone with information comes forward. "That's somebody's child, somebody's brother. It's horrible. I couldn't imagine," Renee said. http://www.wlky.com/article/officer-goes-above-and-beyond-to-help-4-year-old-girl-hunt-for-monsters/10376870

Man charged with murder of LMPD officer blames officer for fatal...

July 29th, 2017 @ 1:48AM (8 years ago)

The department's earlier excuses for not processing hundreds of rape kits have not aged well.


Man charged with murder of LMPD officer blames officer for fatal...

July 29th, 2017 @ 3:11AM (8 years ago)

LMPD has been duped again! This whole ShotSpotter thing is a rip off! So LMPD pays a private company big money to tell us where shots are being fired...big deal! There no increase in arrests or any other enforcement due to ShotSpotter. Your average officer don't even know how to properly respond to a shots fired run anyway...and just riding through the area ain't it. Poor doomed LMPD.

Man charged with murder of LMPD officer blames officer for fatal...

July 29th, 2017 @ 12:19PM (8 years ago)

Another accusation of an on-duty forcible sex crime happening on Chief Conrad's watch. I am embarrassed for him even more.


Man charged with murder of LMPD officer blames officer for fatal...

July 30th, 2017 @ 11:53AM (8 years ago)

What better way to keep businesses and residents in Louisville than to raise their sewage bill by 40% in 4 years? As if homicides going up two to three times their historical levels aren't enough. They decided to only raise it 6.9% this year, but I'm sure the 10% proposal will quietly slide when they think nobody's paying attention.

It's no wonder so many taxpaying working people are headed over the county line and across the river. This city is a Detroit in the making.


Man charged with murder of LMPD officer blames officer for fatal...

August 1st, 2017 @ 7:19AM (8 years ago)

The department smartly had a press event with an autistic kid shortly after the story ran about the K9 biting the other autistic kid in bed. Maybe they could have a "free ice cream for rape victims" event too.

Those people downtown are so smooth, the media melts in their hands. None of them have quoted the original LMPD statements about the unprocessed rape kits being of no use, in light of the serial rapist being prosecuted solely thanks to a formerly unprocessed rape kit recently.


Man charged with murder of LMPD officer blames officer for fatal...

August 1st, 2017 @ 7:34AM (8 years ago)

Public relations doesn't get much more blatantly calculating and cynical than this

July 28, Story about Autistic kid in bed bitten by LMPD K9 dog in botched response to open door on a house http://m.wave3.com/wave/db_336805/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=xft5ZaZD

July 30, Different autistic kid gets police car tour http://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/2017/07/30/autistic-11-year-old-gets-car-tour-lmpd-officer/523146001/