LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Man charged with murder of LMPD officer blames officer for fatal crash


RE: Man charged with murder of LMPD officer blames officer for...

July 23rd, 2017 @ 10:03AM (8 years ago)
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Conrad's few supporters, the millennial snowflakes used to bad mouthing the old LPD and JCPD, all go quiet when you show them how few homicides there were in those days, which you can see above.

Their ignorant remarks about dirty cops, officers wearing gold chains, and community hostility don't ever address why 2 to 3 times as many people are being murdered under the current "enlightened and progressive" administration as back then.

I'll tell you why. It's because careerist desk-bound bureaucrats and wanna-be politicians can't police. They only know how to work the system to get promoted into jobs they can't actually do. They don't understand that if officers taking serious criminals out of circulation for any charge possible, they have too much time to plan and execute major crimes including murder. If you're not frisking loitering known felons on reasonable suspicion, then they get the crazy idea they won't be caught carrying a weapon, and then they use that weapon on a frequent basis.

This department will continue to be a lost cause, and homicides will continue to rise, until we get a new Chief. The Louisville feds appear to be in the same boat. They need new leaders too.

RE: Man charged with murder of LMPD officer blames officer for...

July 23rd, 2017 @ 10:09AM (8 years ago)

I forgot to mention the state. Beshear, Bevin and Sanders have done nothing at all about the crime. Bevin's "pray the crime away" idea would be okay coming from a preacher, but it was laughable coming form a Governor. Why is Louisville even a part of Kentucky? They do nothing but siphon money off the taxpayers here. Useless door stops. Sanders was always overrated anyhow. It doesn't take a lot of expertise to police an east end suburb.