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LMPD officer injured, suspect dead after shooting


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LMPD officer injured, suspect dead after shooting

February 12th, 2017 @ 2:10PM (8 years ago)

Louisvilles's mayor is worse than the mayor from jaws.

LMPD officer injured, suspect dead after shooting

February 12th, 2017 @ 7:57PM (8 years ago)

Why isn't SRT gearing up for the protests?

LMPD officer injured, suspect dead after shooting

February 14th, 2017 @ 1:05PM (8 years ago)

2x's Mexican cousin Pablo Dos Equis may have something to say about this Mexican air unit wasting a cartel leader in a hail of machinegun fire.

LMPD officer injured, suspect dead after shooting

February 15th, 2017 @ 11:16PM (8 years ago)

The mayor sucks, LMPD Chief sucks, Corrections Chief sucks, LMPD and EMS are wayyyyyyyy under staffed, under paid, no retirement. The highest murders and overdoses in Louisville history.... City buildings are in horrible dilapidated disrepair, community disruptors, poorly maintin roads, and NONE of the city leaders will make BOLD decisions TO DO SCHITT... LOUISVILLE IS A HELL HOLE....

LMPD officer injured, suspect dead after shooting

February 16th, 2017 @ 10:13AM (8 years ago)

The little differences between the Snowflake Capital and the rest of Kentucky that will make me retire outside this county.

Liberalville TV news headline:

"Officers Shoot, Kill Suspect in South Louisville" (WDRB)

How TV stations report it outside Liberalville:

"LMPD Officer Being Treated for Gun Shot Wound, Chest Injury in Officer Involved Shooting" (WLEX in Lexington)

LMPD officer injured, suspect dead after shooting

February 17th, 2017 @ 11:11AM (8 years ago)
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I'm not saying it was aliens, because it was probably Russians.

LMPD officer injured, suspect dead after shooting

February 17th, 2017 @ 1:28PM (8 years ago)
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So Pittsburgh PA police chief was sworn in today and his salary is $112,457 a year. The new Deputy Chief with 28 years is paid $103,936. and the newly promoted Asst. Chiefs $99,999 a year. In all for great pay but LMPD pays wayyyyy to much for higher ups and to little to the minions!!!

LMPD officer injured, suspect dead after shooting

February 17th, 2017 @ 2:36PM (8 years ago)

I know it only takes common sense to know the difference in a fingerprint hit and a DNA hit. The det. said he didn't know he had to send DNA off. All I will say is for ever in LPD/LMPD history THERE IS NO REAL DET. TRAINING FOR ANYONE!!! You are an officer and get a Det. badge. You hope you are trained by someone who know what the hell they are doing... LMPD is so young there are kids teaching kids. I learned new things after 10 years and kept learning until I retired. You have to have a training program.. Slacking and half azz is the LMPD way. I don't blame this kid one single bit. LMPD is the blind leading the blind.


LMPD officer injured, suspect dead after shooting

February 18th, 2017 @ 11:56AM (8 years ago)
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LMPD officer injured, suspect dead after shooting

February 19th, 2017 @ 12:05AM (8 years ago)

Why does LMPD dispatch on mindless idiotic calls for service? I heard a run last come out because a neighbor had moved another neighbors garbage can out of the roadway. As officers we have to go to this boring juvenile bulls hit wearing a fake smile and pretending to be compassionate about another stupid äss run that we shouldn't have been dispatched on in the first place. I fùcking hate people with every ounce of marrow in my smallest bone! Hurt their pathetic feelings and the department goes into pacify mode because you were not "caring" enough!

LMPD officer injured, suspect dead after shooting

February 19th, 2017 @ 12:19AM (8 years ago)

M'am why did you call the police?

Because my landlord sent me a text telling me he was going to file eviction papers just because I haven't paid rent since November. It's now February.

Coward vaginas at Metrosafe dispatches on this BS and you better not make the bítch feel stoopid for calling! Meanwhile they are holding 7 other bùllshit runs that should not even be dispatched on.

Hey Sam!

February 20th, 2017 @ 6:12AM (8 years ago)

Question to ambulance chaser, hoping for a big pay day law degree from the Sears catalog Sam Aguiar... What the heck video did you watch? Just asking.

LMPD officer injured, suspect dead after shooting

February 21st, 2017 @ 12:50AM (8 years ago)

Sam Aguilar takes the cake for the biggest scumbag attorney in Louisville....and the competition is steep!

LMPD officer injured, suspect dead after shooting

February 21st, 2017 @ 10:39PM (8 years ago)

He's the new T. Clay but even lower.

Chief = joke & staff = joke but Col K is....

February 25th, 2017 @ 8:42AM (8 years ago)

a nice piece of @ $$ where was i when she was passing out bjs in the 4th i no she likes bros with soul so i really missed out. wht gurl has a nice A $s