LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Louisville FOP says members 'lack confidence' in LMPD leadership


RE: Louisville FOP says members 'lack confidence' in LMPD leadership...

November 23rd, 2016 @ 4:21PM (7 years ago)

"The West end of Louisville means nothing to the liberal elete in this city." Not quite true as every four years or so the politicians will do or say whatever they have to in order to get the votes from the west end. Like lemmings, the west enders continue to vote the democrats into office. Just a question for the west enders... what have the democrats done for you? You blindly vote for these folks year after year and there is no positive change for you. Can you say Walmart? Why not take a chance (like Trump said) and vote republican for a change? What do you have to lose? Try being a leader for once instead of a follower.