LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

St. Matthews police officer sues department over training injury


RE: St. Matthews police officer sues department over training...

March 9th, 2016 @ 4:33PM (8 years ago)

Merging City and County Governments is what happened under Mayor Happypants followed by Mayor Dynamo. Two working government bodies turned into one dysfunctional organization. The citizens of Jefferson County and former City residents are no better off today (in some cases worse) than before merger. All smoke and mirrors from liberal politicians. 10 million dollar surplus fighting over where to spend it. How about this, drop the gas meter tax and put it in the general fund. The tax was supposed to go to public safety, more police officers, equipment, etc. Yep that sure happened! JCPS school budget 1.1 billion dollars and still one of the worse school systems in the country! Juveniles getting away with crimes because law enforcement is being restrained with outdated laws in handling juveniles. Politicians trying to downplay the juvenile thugs causing problems at the Malls, Riverfront, and Bridge. We don't discuss gangs and haven't for years at the direction of city government. Every beat cop knows this has been an issue for years. Yep Possibility City all puppies and rainbows! Police get no support and the politicians trip all over themselves making sure they don't say anything that is not politically correct. Well the time is coming when there will be hell to pay because the citizens are getting fed up with the bs and nonsense. RANT OFF!


March 23rd, 2016 @ 8:00PM (8 years ago)

This post was obviously made by a disgruntled CSU tech. No one cares about the condition of their trucks except them. The CO's don't suck. The crybabies that want to file a grievance every time they don't get their way have tied the hands of the bosses. They have no choice but to be heavy-handed with the contract.

As far as techs leaving, one retired because she could make more money sitting at home, one didn't want to leave but needed dayshift for personal reasons, and one left for the opportunity to spend her career on the sunny beaches of Florida.

Some of the techs will blow you away with their professionalism, work ethic and knowledge, but ones like the original poster give the whole unit a bad name. Put on your big girl panties and quit whining in a public forum. If you hate it so much, then do the ones that want to be there a favor and leave!!