What's needed and what has been demonstrated to work is to interrupt the flow of drugs disrupting violent drug gang activities. All three of these areas have to be addressed and not in a superficial way. If the leaders and others assigned can't get results, then you replace them and find someone who can. 1. Street level trafficking, distribution and sale and quality of life issues. This might be where the former Viper unit and Flex people fit in. LMPD desperately needs a gang unit to help them because
What's needed and what has been demonstrated to work is to interrupt the flow of drugs disrupting violent drug gang activities. All three of these areas have to be addressed and not in a superficial way. If the leaders and others assigned can't get results, then you replace them and find someone who can. 1. Street level trafficking, distribution and sale and quality of life issues. This might be where the former Viper unit and Flex people fit in. LMPD desperately needs a gang unit to help them because