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Louisville Metro Police has seen a big drop in applicants, but why?


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Louisville Metro Police has seen a big drop in applicants, but...

November 10th, 2015 @ 2:01AM (9 years ago)

I really like how the no-name closet h.o.m.o. reporter asks if there are people on LMPD who shouldn't be wearing the badge. WTF does that have to do with the point of the story? Oh wait, you need to report a different "problem". FOX 41 is the lowest budget, warehouse studio station in town. FOX 41 are bottom feeders who hire body odor reporters like Jason Riley. We know you're not making any money. I bet you shoplift any chance you can do so without getting caught.

Louisville Metro Police has seen a big drop in applicants, but...

November 10th, 2015 @ 12:46PM (9 years ago)

The article is dead on about the lying politicians f--king over officers and future recruitment. Pension reform is a lot like sentencing reform and drug law reform, a total sham that will cost a lot more in the long run. The department will eventually have no choices but to reduce hiring standards or increase pay with 20 year pensions gone. The department has been lucky the last 10 years because of the recession and winding down of wars, pushing ex-military into law enforcement, but that luck may run out.

At least half a dozen people are asked to resign or are terminated each year because of PSU and PIU cases, so its just a simple statistical fact that some weren't worthy of wearing a badge. Its not going on a limb to assume that will happen in the future. The people in trouble aren't all new people by any stretch of the imagination so the ranting loon above should get off his high horse

Louisville Metro Police has seen a big drop in applicants, but...

November 10th, 2015 @ 1:00PM (9 years ago)

I can't believe you guys agree that our officers are of such low caliber that we really do oversight like the body cameras. This is crazy. We have great officers they ARE louisville's finest. I don't care what any of you or the FOP says I work with these guys and gals every day.

Louisville Metro Police has seen a big drop in applicants, but...

November 10th, 2015 @ 5:55PM (9 years ago)
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Too bad this poor, put-upon citizen wasn't in Judge Stevens' court. He would have gotten R.O.R.'d and his mother would've gotten a written apology.


Louisville Metro Police has seen a big drop in applicants, but...

November 10th, 2015 @ 6:40PM (9 years ago)

Finally a major bust in the war on drugs in Louisville. Congratulations, Louisville Fire Department.

Chief's comments

November 10th, 2015 @ 9:19PM (9 years ago)

The chief talked about taking a psychological test. He didn't say anything about passing the psychological test.

Louisville Metro Police has seen a big drop in applicants, but...

November 12th, 2015 @ 9:36AM (9 years ago)


The crime happened in a popular part of Valley Station with lots of restaurants and shopping. The victim was shot multiple times and left for dead in the parking lot on the opposite side of the drive thru while plenty of people were inside at 7:30 p.m.

"I think that it's just disheartening when you just keep seeing these things over and over again"

A number of people who said they were in the area when the shooting happened sounded off about the increase in violent crime. The Dixie Highway community is vocal and helpful in solving crimes. She said with so many drug crimes and thefts, she hears from people who want elected leaders to start looking harder at what happens after an arrest.

"We have to look at how we are turning these people back out on the street after no time and we have to start punishing people for the crimes they commit"

Louisville Metro Police has seen a big drop in applicants, but...

November 12th, 2015 @ 3:38PM (9 years ago)

This generation of entitlement is just like their hippie parents. If you don't like student debt, then go get a job instead of extending your childhood for 5 years to get a useless degree having no demand in the workplace.

"Student demonstrations are set to engulf the U.S. today in the ‘Million Student March’, as activists from campuses around the country stage a day of protests against tuition fees and student debt, further inflamed by recent social justice protests at Yale and Missouri.

A statement from the activists reads: “We are people of all colors, genders, and sexual orientation, and we are united to fight for education as a human right.” Protesters are calling for tuition-free public college, cancellation of student debt, and a $15 minimum wage for college workers… plus a lot of other stuff about “straight white male patriarchy” and rape culture on campus."

Louisville Metro Police has seen a big drop in applicants, but...

November 12th, 2015 @ 6:43PM (9 years ago)

Dear LMPD.com ADMIN,

I'm the real Luke Singleton from mid-watch in the 6th division and I didn't post any of this stuff. I'm formally requesting you cease and desist any activity on this site that may be defaming my character. If you do not remove these posts immediately I will following up with legal action.

Luke Singleton

Louisville Metro Police Department

6th Division Mid-watch


New Plan

November 13th, 2015 @ 7:33PM (9 years ago)

Look I heard this works pretty well. Go on a hunger strike over some made up issues and then demand the white chief and white mayor be fired because they obviously hate all officers including those of color. Then have Ramsey from U of L write a letter to the press about how sad you are and how you will do and say anything to keep your job at the university. Tell the government that you want all your loans paid off so you can make a living because the current circumstances are not fair. This would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

Louisville Metro Police has seen a big drop in applicants, but...

November 14th, 2015 @ 1:53PM (9 years ago)

U.S. Kills Leader of ISIS in Libya

A day after reportedly killing "Jihadi John" in Syria, the Pentagon announced it killed the top ISIS operative in Libya, Wisam al Zubaidi.

The Pentagon announced Saturday a U.S. airstrike killed the leader of ISIS in Libya Abu Nabil, aka Wissam Najm Abd Zayd al Zubaydi.

The announcement confirms The Daily Beast's original report that the U.S. targeted a senior member of the group on Friday, according to two senior U.S. administration officials.

The strike, which was carried out by F-15 aircraft, marks the first time the U.S. has directly gone after ISIS outside of Iraq or Syria.

Louisville Metro Police has seen a big drop in applicants, but...

November 14th, 2015 @ 5:04PM (9 years ago)

From the guy whose campaign failed miserably within a few months of launch.

Louisville Metro Police has seen a big drop in applicants, but...

November 14th, 2015 @ 8:28PM (9 years ago)

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Louisville Metro Police has seen a big drop in applicants, but...

November 15th, 2015 @ 4:06AM (9 years ago)
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This is what happens when you embrace the extreme fringe of the progressive left and endorse the politics of an avowed socialist. Karma can be a horrible bîtch-goddess. It's a good thing for you that you won't be forced to wait in line at the Portland Family Health Center to receive you health care from an ACA co-op like the rest of us peasants.

Louisville Metro Police has seen a big drop in applicants, but...

November 15th, 2015 @ 7:05PM (9 years ago)

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Louisville Metro Police has seen a big drop in applicants, but...

November 16th, 2015 @ 8:45AM (9 years ago)
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You're on Mr. Mayor....your city needs you!

Duh-nuh-nah-nuh-nuh-nuh-nah-nah.....BIKE LANES!!!!

Louisville Metro Police has seen a big drop in applicants, but...

November 16th, 2015 @ 9:12AM (9 years ago)

Mirth, merriment and family fun for all ages on the streets of Oakland last night. But be patient, it'll be coming to a location near you very soon.

Louisville Metro Police has seen a big drop in applicants, but...

November 16th, 2015 @ 7:46PM (9 years ago)

This article had the usual song and dance from the Mayor, but there is an interesting and accurate quote in this article.


“We put so many demands on the police, demands on the mayor's office, demands on the school system. We have to put a demand on ourselves that enough is enough. That we have to stand up and take back our community,” said Muhammad."

I'm not in support of vigilantes, but its perfectly legal for law abiding people with no felonies to open carry in neighborhood watch patrols. Ignore the pissy pants white liberals downtown who hate guns, unless you honestly think they're going to help stop the homicides one day. They will get to it right after their fund raiser at the country club.

Louisville Metro Police has seen a big drop in applicants, but...

November 17th, 2015 @ 2:53PM (9 years ago)


"Officials are focusing on the Russell and Shawnee neighborhoods, but people from other communities are welcome."

-You gotta hand it to the mayor...at least he knows where his bread is buttered.

Louisville Metro Police has seen a big drop in applicants, but...

November 18th, 2015 @ 10:53PM (9 years ago)

Prosecutors ask KY chief justice to recuse Louisville Judge Olu Stevens from all criminal cases

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) – The Jefferson Commonwealth's Attorney's Office has asked Kentucky Chief Justice John Minton to recuse Circuit Court Judge Olu Stevens from all cases pending before the judge, arguing he has shown bias against top prosecutor Tom Wine.

On Tuesday, Minton removed Stevens from two cases after the judge had refused similar requests to step aside. Minton ruled prosecutors had "demonstrated disqualifying circumstances that require the appointment of a special judge."

Prosecutors argued in motions and in court on Tuesday and Wednesday that Stevens has accused Wine in Facebook posts of wanting "all-white" juries to decide verdicts in cases with black defendants.

Louisville Metro Police has seen a big drop in applicants, but...

November 22nd, 2015 @ 8:39PM (9 years ago)

We have a recruit named Tyree? That's awesome, now we need to hire Lysol and we will have the Chappel show on LMPD.