LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Jeffersontown police fatally shoot robbery suspect


RE: Jeffersontown police fatally shoot robbery suspect

October 27th, 2015 @ 10:44PM (8 years ago)

Could this possibly be misnamed in the article? There is a New Black Liberation Militia listed on this website http://www.trackingterrorism.org/group/new-black-liberation-militia-nblm

The New Black Liberation Militia (NBLM) is a militant group in the mold of the Black Panthers, based in Atlanta. The militia’s website states their mission is to “focus on saving and nurturing black children, rebuilding our communities, supporting black women, remaking the black man, re-instilling self respect and self awareness of black people, and re-instilling love for our people, ourselves and our communities.” The group describes itself on its website as “Developing and Teaching Spiritual, Psychological, Social, Holistic and Scientific Methods and Techniques to ensure the survival of black people in the 21st century and beyond.”VideoVideo: 2012 A history Najee Muhammad in his own words.Video: 2013 National Field Marshall & National Commander NBLM in Tennessee. New Black Liberation Militia (NBLM), also known as Black Beret Liberation Movement South (suspected) is an active group formed c. 2012.