LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

LMPD officer who won $450,000 settlement in whistleblower lawsuit again sues the department


RE: LMPD officer who won $450,000 settlement in whistleblower...

October 17th, 2015 @ 10:41AM (9 years ago)

I totes agree. If the administration would have only had the common sense and foresight to put us all on 12 hour days, we would all be living in a crime free utopian society. I mean, just THINK about it....8 hour work days, 9 murders in a week. That CAN'T be a coincidence.

RE: LMPD officer who won $450,000 settlement in whistleblower...

October 17th, 2015 @ 10:47AM (9 years ago)

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention....

Yesterday I had a baked potato for dinner. If that happened every day of the year, the I would have had 365 baked potatoes. That's terrifying. Obviously this administration, the Mayor included, fail to realize that they are tap dancing on a land mine. For God's sake...Just think about all those carbs!

RE: LMPD officer who won $450,000 settlement in whistleblower...

October 17th, 2015 @ 10:48AM (9 years ago)

The funny things is THE POLICE know how and can slow it... but when u beat officers down to the point the city/state/country has now... the leaders should not expect the police do bend over backwards. The climate of policing sucks.. No backing from leaders.. horrible shifts for 21st century.... no backing for citizens.... all the nonsense policies.... all the ridiculous equipment that is worn today.. lack of take home cars for 3 plus years.... Nit pick EVERY MOVE an officer makes....horrible insurance... horrible retirement....It goes on and on and on.....I dont blame officers for sitting in parking lots anymore.. use to pi$$ me off.. but I totally get it in this day and age!!!