Have faith that your good works are being measured by the “Big Guy upstairs” — and I’m not talking about the Chief/Superintendent In my career, I’ve discovered a few undeniable truths about law enforcement. Here are 20 of them. Add your own in the comments area below. 1. Chiefs, Sheriffs, Superintendents need to resist the overwhelming temptation to promote their favorite followers ahead of their department’s finest leaders. 2. Law enforcement work is a contact sport! All officers need
Have faith that your good works are being measured by the “Big Guy upstairs” — and I’m not talking about the Chief/Superintendent In my career, I’ve discovered a few undeniable truths about law enforcement. Here are 20 of them. Add your own in the comments area below. 1. Chiefs, Sheriffs, Superintendents need to resist the overwhelming temptation to promote their favorite followers ahead of their department’s finest leaders. 2. Law enforcement work is a contact sport! All officers need