LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Man killed by police in Old Louisville


RE: Man killed by police in Old Louisville

June 15th, 2015 @ 12:11AM (10 years ago)

That's white guys for you bro. Most white guys are ticking time bombs angry at the world and everyone in it (including their wife and parents). They hate each other and most definately you!!! White guys will practice Mixed Martial arts for years and even develop a strong sense of courage and self worth from their newfound hobby. However that courage quickly goes away whenever they are in a conflict with a black male. They will go timid and sense danger to a point they will over react. The other white guys will relate because they are also living in a state of fear and anger. If you ever come across a white guy in general encounter just be cordial, say hello and gett away from him as soon as possible. They are the race of road rage and hate....

RE: Man killed by police in Old Louisville

June 15th, 2015 @ 1:19AM (10 years ago)

You are out of your mind and no doubt a p-cat who plays video games in his moms's basement. You swing a pole (structural makeup not decipherable in two seconds) at a police officer then you get shot. End of story. Taser this *******!

RE: Man killed by police in Old Louisville

June 15th, 2015 @ 3:52AM (10 years ago)

Deadly weapon vs deadly weapon. Looks like the bad guy wanted to kill the cop to me.

RE: Man killed by police in Old Louisville

June 18th, 2015 @ 1:11PM (10 years ago)

You must have missed the day in taser training when officers are told the obvious: tasters will not work when the intended tasee is swinging a stick, pole, arms wildly, etc. the prongs either are batted away harmlessly or the wires are pulled out. Either way, the taser becomes nothing more than a cobweb to be brushed aside as the guy takes another swing.