![]() Saturday, June 13th, 2015
Man killed by police in Old Louisville |
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15 latest comments:
Man killed by police in Old Louisville
First MoFos!!!!!!
This Officer performed his duty in a ver...
10 years ago
You're the reason we're in this mess now...
10 years ago
What mess are "we" in? I know because t...
10 years ago
What mess? The police shoot a piece of ...
10 years ago
Yep, the video is hard to dispute and sh...
10 years ago
- The witnesses didn't have an agenda....o... 10 years ago
Yep, the video is hard to dispute and sh...
10 years ago
What mess? The police shoot a piece of ...
10 years ago
What mess are "we" in? I know because t...
10 years ago
- Bull. Wrong and the spin will not work i... 10 years ago
- Sure efficient in killing a person. I gu... 10 years ago
How do you know that already? I bet the...
10 years ago
- You must've missed the security camera f... 10 years ago
Woops. Wanna pay your bet? Video ...
10 years ago
Flags up, don't shoot!
10 years ago
- Comply or die. 10 years ago
Flags up, don't shoot!
10 years ago
I guess the officer was supposed to use ...
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
"Let's see in the next couple of weeks w...
10 years ago
Not the OP, but I watched the video. Tha...
10 years ago
That's white guys for you bro. Most whit...
10 years ago
- It's possible nobody's told you this, bu... 10 years ago
- As a scared timid white guy that takes M... 10 years ago
YouTube Video
10 years ago
You are out of your mind and no doubt a ...
10 years ago
Comply or die...
10 years ago
More accurate would be "don't commit a c...
10 years ago
Sorry folks police officers are not paid...
10 years ago
- I totally agree with you and couldn't ha... 10 years ago
Those living the thug life and their fri...
10 years ago
We can only hope this is true..... AN ...
10 years ago
I doubt it's real, and if it is, then so...
10 years ago
He would get a thorough talking to if th...
10 years ago
Dam...I just crapped MY pants.
10 years ago
- Big deal...you did it last Tuesday too. 10 years ago
Dam...I just crapped MY pants.
10 years ago
He would get a thorough talking to if th...
10 years ago
I doubt it's real, and if it is, then so...
10 years ago
We can only hope this is true..... AN ...
10 years ago
Sorry folks police officers are not paid...
10 years ago
More accurate would be "don't commit a c...
10 years ago
Comply or die...
10 years ago
- Deadly weapon vs deadly weapon. Looks li... 10 years ago
You must have missed the day in taser tr...
10 years ago
- ....fucking Apple, and it's ******* auto... 10 years ago
Good spin. Better do a better job of pro...
10 years ago
If you are the kind of criminal that wil...
10 years ago
You don't belong on anybody's police dep...
10 years ago
If you feel threatened by the concept of...
10 years ago
I'm baiting you in and you are taking it...
10 years ago
- That makes you a masterbaiter, or at lea... 10 years ago
I'm baiting you in and you are taking it...
10 years ago
If you feel threatened by the concept of...
10 years ago
You don't belong on anybody's police dep...
10 years ago
If you are the kind of criminal that wil...
10 years ago
That's white guys for you bro. Most whit...
10 years ago
Not the OP, but I watched the video. Tha...
10 years ago
Typical spin. If the officer had a good ...
10 years ago
- There is no "spin." This is America, an... 10 years ago
Apparently you didn't get the memo. Def...
10 years ago
Could have used mace or less lethal mean...
10 years ago
You are a Moron the officer had less tha...
10 years ago
Maybe you never had to kill anyone and h...
10 years ago
- Do not waste your time. That is one unha... 10 years ago
Maybe you never had to kill anyone and h...
10 years ago
10 years ago
Yes, there is going to be new 2016 manda...
10 years ago
You are absolutely correct....matadors d...
10 years ago
You funny man. Unhappy but funny man wit...
10 years ago
10 years ago
- I'm guessing somebody never played rock ... 10 years ago
10 years ago
You funny man. Unhappy but funny man wit...
10 years ago
You are absolutely correct....matadors d...
10 years ago
Yes, there is going to be new 2016 manda...
10 years ago
You are a Moron the officer had less tha...
10 years ago
Could have used mace or less lethal mean...
10 years ago
I can't tell if you are being sarcastic ...
10 years ago
The officer should of approached the cit...
10 years ago
You may want to talk to some 30 year vet...
10 years ago
- You're fortunate, no doubt. Times have ... 10 years ago
- How about talking to some of the officer... 10 years ago
- You may want to talk to an officer that ... 10 years ago
I know 30 year veterans who never fired ...
10 years ago
- I'd rather be a 30 year officer with a d... 10 years ago
You must be from a different county, thi...
10 years ago
- Nope. They are plea dealers. They get th... 10 years ago
- 30 years? No such thing as a 30 year vet... 10 years ago
You may want to talk to some 30 year vet...
10 years ago
The officer should of approached the cit...
10 years ago
You're the reason we're in this mess now...
10 years ago
Man killed by police in Old Louisville
Video from WHAS11 News app!
1. When a law enforcement officer gives ...
10 years ago
- You're already seeing the effects of dec... 10 years ago
My new movement
In response to many of the things that have been posted on numerous media outlets in the comment section about this and many other officer involved shootings I am going to trademark #Coplivesmatter.
Since it is the opinion of many people that we can't defend ourselves from ruthless attacks, I think the #Coplivesmatter is long overdue. Feel free to use this hashtag for anything non-profit but any money derived from the use of my hashtag is subject to royalties. Happy hashtagging!!!
10 years ago
Man killed by police in Old Louisville

I'm confused....I don't know who's side to take.
- Right? How jacked up is that??? 10 years ago
- Chick is certified nutz! 10 years ago
- Her poor parents were like, "uh, yeaah, ... 10 years ago
10 years ago
- DOH! 10 years ago
Might as well throw this in the mix....T...
10 years ago
Who cares. The President is just a talki...
10 years ago
- There are many 'secret' special interest... 10 years ago
Who cares. The President is just a talki...
10 years ago
Man killed by police in Old Louisville
clip of the new training course for recruits and in-service
latest police shooting
I support LMPD, as does 95% of Louisville! No cop should take a beating with a metal pole! It could have killed him, or greatly injured him to say the least. What is wrong with some people?
I'm with you Mark. I support LMPD 100%....
10 years ago
- Thank you both for your support. 10 years ago
The Chief's theme is big on escalation o...
10 years ago
The mid city mall soldier was a biligere...
10 years ago
Word is that the officers involved have ...
10 years ago
- That one will get dirty. There was video... 10 years ago
- Yea, The Soldier used hollow point bad w... 10 years ago
- Yea, The Soldier used hollow point bad w... 10 years ago
Word is that the officers involved have ...
10 years ago
The mid city mall soldier was a biligere...
10 years ago
New Version of Jim Crow Laws
I guess we are going to end up with two sets of laws and policies now. One for the white population and another for the black population since blacks seem to want special treatment.
- Man it's called entitlement. 10 years ago
Man killed by police in Old Louisville
This is such a distraction from the important national headlines like Caitlyn Jenner and the woman who wanted to be black.
Man killed by police in Old Louisville
Chief Conrad, I know you read these posts. YOU will be responsible for a fatigued workforce and increased bad consequences directly related to fatigue if we go to a 12 hour work day. Use your common sense. It is a short term endeavor that cannot continue for a long period without major issues. Not to mention way too much overlapping in command. 8's are the obvious choice.
7-3 3-11 11-7 Problem solved.
10 years ago
Amen for 8's! End of story. You won't li...
10 years ago
Wrong. The off duty restrictions are no...
10 years ago
8 or 12, either one is going to make a m...
10 years ago
- The administration should announce the m... 10 years ago
8 or 12, either one is going to make a m...
10 years ago
Wrong. The off duty restrictions are no...
10 years ago
That would make as much sense as going b...
10 years ago
- Don't forget allowing beer drinking over... 10 years ago
Amen for 8's! End of story. You won't li...
10 years ago
- Chief is going to have to define his com... 10 years ago
Man killed by police in Old Louisville
DO IT. JUST DO IT. This man should be Mayor of Louisville instead of a supporting actor with an eccentric personal life keeping him famous. He is a natural motivational speaker.
Sheila Collins
To Judge Sheila Collins regarding jailing of the domestic recanter: that's the kind of crap police officers put up with every day.
Man killed by police in Old Louisville
Wow!!! Looks like white people are at it again!!
What is white people's obsession with this white lady who identifies herself as being black? I don't get it. It's all over the news 24/7 and even on the radio 24/7. White experts have come out the woodwork trying to portray this woman as some creep and white people will surely come up with some new psychological disorder to name her condition. In the meantime, she hasn't abused one red tax cent. White people don't even like the NAACP so why are they soooo obsessed with this woman? White people will readily call someone a "wigger" for being white and acting too black but this well spoken woman is a major threat for being so poised and educated. Why throw it all down the drain?
You = racist idiot white person claiming...
10 years ago
Maybe so but you're dodging the bigger q...
10 years ago
You don't know me. I'm NOT obsessed wit...
10 years ago
- Sure they're mad.....she ain't represent... 10 years ago
You lying sack of possum shiit. You have...
10 years ago
I put her in the same category as Bruce ...
10 years ago
I doubt either of them care what "catego...
10 years ago
- Minding their own business? Every time ... 10 years ago
- The both of them are nothing but publici... 10 years ago
I doubt either of them care what "catego...
10 years ago
- Don't watch the news or take your Prozac... 10 years ago
- White people don't care. You just hate... 10 years ago
I put her in the same category as Bruce ...
10 years ago
You don't know me. I'm NOT obsessed wit...
10 years ago
Maybe so but you're dodging the bigger q...
10 years ago
- Way to go!! You represent well, you woul... 10 years ago
Man killed by police in Old Louisville
Our fine president just released an excellent open letter to the city. I'm trying to cut and paste but will probably fail
- Yep failed, sorry. I think it's on wave... 10 years ago
I always thought Mutchler was a fool. No...
10 years ago
If you're a cop, aren't you angry and fe...
10 years ago
You represent the moral decline of Ameri...
10 years ago
- You are very self righteous for a hoodlu... 10 years ago
Do you think this woman should have a "f...
10 years ago
You represent the moral decline of Ameri...
10 years ago
- He is talking to the anti-police radical... 10 years ago
The letter from the FOP did not need to ...
10 years ago
I see it both ways.....the feelings of m...
10 years ago
- He didn't declare war on them, maybe yo... 10 years ago
I see it both ways.....the feelings of m...
10 years ago
If you're a cop, aren't you angry and fe...
10 years ago
Mutchler should go now!!! Very distastef...
10 years ago
- Must go...to command to be a Major when ... 10 years ago
Man killed by police in Old Louisville

- I like it. 10 years ago
Man killed by police in Old Louisville
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Man killed by police in Old Louisville
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