LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Family attacked during 2014 mob violence sues LMPD, previously accused teens


RE: Family attacked during 2014 mob violence sues LMPD, previously...

March 25th, 2015 @ 1:59PM (9 years ago)

Glad you agree. Sorry your a liberal who believes we should keep up every lazy *** who won't work. Since I'm one of the people footing the bill of this entitlement the current administration has built I do have a say so. I'm retired and live on my pension which I worked to get not like the baby producing mama with 5 kids by different daddies who don't contribute on dime toward them who sitting on their rear waiting for the next free handout. I am sorry for the kids in this situation but not for the parents. This ebt system is broke and in dire need of repair and you know it. As long as it doesn't enter into your little Apple world you could care less. Yes it is my business when it comes out of my pocket as well as yours.

RE: Family attacked during 2014 mob violence sues LMPD, previously...

March 25th, 2015 @ 3:14PM (9 years ago)

Instead of telling people to mind their own business, you should be saying "thank you" to those of us hard working tax payers who pay for what you got.

RE: Family attacked during 2014 mob violence sues LMPD, previously...

March 25th, 2015 @ 7:14PM (9 years ago)

Pehaps this can explain how America works since you lack a basic understanding on the role of free speech in our constituional republic. All taxpayers "business" includes the spending of taxes, including on the welfare state. The liberal ideology is really not so different from communism. Only the politically correct are entitled to speak their opinions in a communist society.