LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Family attacked during 2014 mob violence sues LMPD, previously accused teens


RE: Family attacked during 2014 mob violence sues LMPD, previously...

March 20th, 2015 @ 9:28AM (9 years ago)

White people always see things like this as the sky is falling. So a couple of white people get assaulted downtown. Big deal! It doesn't mean Louisville is becoming lawless or gangs are taking over. It means life happens!! and those who break the law should be held accountable to the max. It does not mean you should pack up and move to Spencer County because the perils of life in Louisville is just too threatening for you.

RE: Family attacked during 2014 mob violence sues LMPD, previously...

March 20th, 2015 @ 12:38PM (9 years ago)

Did they read the manual or just start putting the task force together right out of the box? This is just like watching grandpa try to assemble his stationary bike on Christmas day. They would be wise to bring in a few experienced anti-gang unit leaders from departments that have been successful. At least pick up the phone instead of winging it like has been done up to now.
