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Jeffersonville Mayor demotes police chief, appoints replacement


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Jeffersonville Mayor demotes police chief, appoints replacement

March 17th, 2015 @ 7:21AM (9 years ago)


Jeffersonville Mayor demotes police chief, appoints replacement

March 17th, 2015 @ 9:59AM (9 years ago)


Jeffersonville Mayor demotes police chief, appoints replacement

March 17th, 2015 @ 7:26PM (9 years ago)

Kenny Kavanaugh is a good guy. When he was a narc he was very easy to work with. I hope he is still the same type of guy and hasn't supped to much from the table of SPI.

Opinion of many

March 17th, 2015 @ 8:30PM (9 years ago)

The mayor of Louisville needs to do the same thing for LMPD and this city before the city is completely lost. This Chief and his colonels have already lost the officers of LMPD. No leadership- Gibson none, cares only about himself and his few lieutenant buddies and his wife. Think about all of them driving new vehicles while there are officers and detectives that are driving junk or waiting over a year for a replacement. Just one example of him. Burns-scared and won’t make a decision and in charge of homicide and narcotics no less. Sulivan-scared and won’t make a decision and like Burns and Gibson no leadership period. Krazig, no experience, and won’t make a decision unless it benefits her.

Then you get to this Chief- screws over a detective in narcotics and is proven, half a million dollars. Screws over and tries to fire the lieutenant of that detective loses that battle for obvious reasons and nearly lost the lawsuit that would have cost the city millions. Then pressures the poor officers that were doing their jobs to arrest the 4 guys last year, tells them they did a good job after reviewing their case and to make the case. Backfires, makes their bosses counsel them to cover his ….. then gives away another million and a half of taxpayer money. Plus goes on to throw them under the bus on the news and thinks people can’t see through what he did to them. He has lost the officers on this department, he and his no leadership Colonels. The list can go on to include creating Viper. The officers on it are good officers, but with his and Colonels lack of leadership what do you expect those guys to do???????????????? Now this task force that is purely a smoke and mirror game by them to placate and B S the mayor. Crime on the streets has done nothing but go up since he has been here and will continue to go up as long as he is here. 21 murders, with two more he is calling justified even though those two were committed by criminals doing criminal stuff. Let something go bad n task force he will blame everyone and take none himself. You know none of his colonls will take responsibility. In policing no leadership from a chief and his assistants equals high crime and no confidence from the people doing the job.

Jeffersonville Mayor demotes police chief, appoints replacement

March 19th, 2015 @ 6:18PM (9 years ago)
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According to WAVE 3: "After years of denial, Louisville's top cop admits to a disturbing rise in gang violence".