Its par for the course. Look at what the courts do with cases brought against most other 1st time offenders. Diversion and plea bargain down to little or nothing. Officers are given the benefit of the doubt in a he said she said situation by juries across the country. There is a big difference between getting away with something (guilt not proven beyond a reasonable doubt in a jury trial) and being innocent of a crime, as every officer knows after seeing numerous criminals walk free in a career.
Its par for the course. Look at what the courts do with cases brought against most other 1st time offenders. Diversion and plea bargain down to little or nothing. Officers are given the benefit of the doubt in a he said she said situation by juries across the country. There is a big difference between getting away with something (guilt not proven beyond a reasonable doubt in a jury trial) and being innocent of a crime, as every officer knows after seeing numerous criminals walk free in a career.