LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

More people dying in LMPD shootings


RE: More people dying in LMPD shootings

December 18th, 2014 @ 12:54PM (10 years ago)


RE: More people dying in LMPD shootings

December 18th, 2014 @ 8:56PM (10 years ago)

Sticking your neck out like that for a misdemeanor charge is stupid. Police can use force to make an arrest but you have to use good discretion too, or you're in the wrong line of work. The department will get you on policy violations for doing what they did in NY even if the grand jury finds no true bill. Their arrest tactics sucked too. This isn't UFC. Their attention was totally focused on him. That guy with the camera could have just as easily been a gang member with a gun about to "help a brotha out." Their watching him die for 7 minutes without attempting CPR also made it obvious those officers were not adequately trained. Not all police departments are equal.