LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

More people dying in LMPD shootings


RE: More people dying in LMPD shootings

December 17th, 2014 @ 5:00PM (10 years ago)

That cop should be fired—immediately! He is trash. Police should not "take sides" on issues that appear divisive. Only trashy people fail to see the logic in this. Sure, he has freedom of speech, but freedom of speech does not mean "Free of consequences". He is a jerk. If his convictions are so strong, let's see how fast he stops selling the shirts. He is also a coward.

RE: More people dying in LMPD shootings

December 17th, 2014 @ 7:25PM (10 years ago)

Makes perfect sense. It's very simple. Obey the law, stay alive. It's a matter of choice.