Somebody needs to instruct them on how to shoot. According to statistics between 2005 and 2014, there were 61 police involved shootings by the LMPD - 13 fatal - 30 wounded - 13 misses. ALL police involved shootings should be fatal. In all 13 fatal shootings - the losers were armed. 100% of ALL females shot be the LMPD were black (one) Statistics are a wonderful thing.
Somebody needs to instruct them on how to shoot. According to statistics between 2005 and 2014, there were 61 police involved shootings by the LMPD - 13 fatal - 30 wounded - 13 misses. ALL police involved shootings should be fatal. In all 13 fatal shootings - the losers were armed. 100% of ALL females shot be the LMPD were black (one) Statistics are a wonderful thing.