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More people dying in LMPD shootings


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True dat dog. Since they don't know to say "this" or "that... 10 years ago No image... No video...
It'll be alright "Livesmatter"..... Grippo's and red pop... 10 years ago No image... No video...
Stop being a criminal and stop resisting arrest. 10 years ago No image... No video...
Tell that to all victims on those victims on those airliners... 10 years ago No image... No video...
Don't resist. 10 years ago No image... No video...
You live in a world of pink confetti, sparkling dust, golden... 10 years ago No image... No video...
Why have the knife in the first place? Put it down on command. 10 years ago No image... No video...
Sean , is that you? 10 years ago No image... No video...
They're not CIT customers, they're CIT consumers. Remember....it's... 10 years ago Image attached to comment No video...
He is the same guy who hates whites and pretends to know... 10 years ago No image... No video...
Ouch...it's not MY fault that I have a slow metabloism. It's... 10 years ago Image attached to comment No video...
Now that the economy is back, LMPD usually just takes whoever... 10 years ago No image... No video...
Agreed! 10 years ago No image... No video...
You begged and stressed for months to get hired on. You probably... 10 years ago No image... No video...
"Can someone bring me another citation book? I'm plum out.... 10 years ago Image attached to comment No video...
That would be unprofessional at least. It is also a form... 10 years ago No image... No video...
The cards are you in your hands, officers. Do what NYPD is... 10 years ago No image... No video...
No, that's my hammer. 10 years ago No image... No video...
YouTube Video 10 years ago No image... Video attached to comment
I'm glad you miss me Chris. I'm just thankful I am worthy... 10 years ago No image... No video...
He may have just been a "contract worker" 10 years ago Image attached to comment No video...
Image Upload 10 years ago Image attached to comment No video...
That threat makes it obvious who is behind the keyboard... 10 years ago Image attached to comment No video...
Of course you would agree...you need to stay out of it tho...I... 10 years ago No image... No video...
It's Goebbel, get it right. 10 years ago No image... No video...

More people dying in LMPD shootings

December 12th, 2014 @ 7:52PM (10 years ago)
Posted by: Zeus brown

now there will be protesting at the firearms training facility. Stop helping those new recruits learn how to shoot.

More people dying in LMPD shootings

December 12th, 2014 @ 8:16PM (10 years ago)

The Communist Urinal trying to stir up hate for the police and race problems as usual. Bomma Phooooone!

More people dying in LMPD shootings

December 12th, 2014 @ 8:25PM (10 years ago)

Charles Barkley speaks the truth.

More people dying in LMPD shootings

December 12th, 2014 @ 8:44PM (10 years ago)

All that weakness being pushed on officers by politicians and the press results in a chaotic crime infested neighborhood and violence.

More people dying in LMPD shootings

December 13th, 2014 @ 2:56AM (10 years ago)

Not to fear. Everything will be made right when Buckner comes back as our new chief.


December 13th, 2014 @ 4:17PM (10 years ago)

"Unconscious racism is definitely a fact," Conrad said. "I pledge to you we're going to try and make it better."

Really Chief!!!! This is a direct quote the Chief made to a group of over 100 people at the Louisville Urban League Tuesday night. What the heck is he trying to do to the men and women of LMPD. He basically said he thinks every white or black officer on the police department is unconsciously racist. Picture a white person stopped by a black officer claiming they were stopped by the black officer because they are racist. Same goes now for any stop period where the officer and citizen are of different races. His comment is way out of line, derogatory, and embarrassing to every person wearing a uniform on LMPD.

This Chief just keeps continuing to get it wrong: Telling Metro Council there are enough officers in March, then when he realizes the Mayor disagreed he changes his tune. He is definitely not a good leader for the department or the community.

Gentry is gone, was a nice person, but was not a good leader when it came to leading the department. Too interested in her own agenda for what she wanted to become instead of doing what she was supposed to which was be a leader. Now look, her replacement as designated by the Chief couldn’t even get hired on LMPD with the minimum requirements of military or 60 hours of college credit. A slap in the face to everyone that had to meet the minimum hiring requirements and any commanding officer that meets those requirements. Unless she went out to UofL and got them to give her a bunch of credit hours like they did Gentry. Plus Gentry’s replacement is not a leader any way, another person serving who is not interested in serving the department or the community.

There is zero leadership in the Chief’s office – Period. Gibson, no need to explain what he is about, but is definitely not about the department or community. Burns and Sullivan nice people but neither is a leader on this department.

Gotta face reality, the Chief is not invested in the men or women of LMPD, is not a leader, is counter-productive to allowing people to help the community, and has a front office full of non-leaders that will keep on making the department and community go backwards. The mayor needs to WAKE UP!!!!!

This chief no doubt agrees with what this article says and the continued negative comments made against the police. There are enough issues that can be addressed without the chief making insensitive comments about the men and women of the department. He does not speak for all of them nor does he know what they think or feel when they are doing their jobs. The LMPD is not perfect by a longshot, and guarantee you everyone on the department will agree. It is better than the present Chief’s office leadership he has put in place from Gibson, Krazig, Burns or Sullivan to include him and what he apparently believes about all of the women and men presently serving the department that is trying to do their best for the community. What a SHAME!

The LMPD is a leaderless department in the front office, and unless this Mayor figures this out soon the community it serves will continue to suffer. A community of both black and white citizens law abiding and non-law abiding that have shown a lot more class compared to most cities that have had protests and what this Chief and his colonels believe of the men and women of their own department.

More people dying in LMPD shootings

December 14th, 2014 @ 1:46AM (10 years ago)

There will be a free concert to ease racial tensions down on the waterfront. A big thank you to McDowell's for their sponsorship.

More people dying in LMPD shootings

December 14th, 2014 @ 11:20AM (10 years ago)

A Memphis Police Officer accused of appearing in a rap video featuring members of the Bloods gang has been placed on administrative leave. MPD internal affairs detectives launched an investigation into Officer Paris Glass after receiving a citizen complaint.

More people dying in LMPD shootings

December 14th, 2014 @ 12:53PM (10 years ago)
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Hammers? Wasn't that white Bosnian's murder in St. Louis using hammers a few weeks ago deemed "not a hate crime" or related to the riots? The bullsh-t filter is now full.

"A man is facing multiple charges after two NYPD officers were assaulted Saturday night amid a day of protests across the nation against police killings of unarmed black men.

The NYPD says two lieutenants were trying to stop protesters on the Brooklyn Bridge from throwing a garbage can on a police car when they were kicked in the head and face.

29-year old Eric Linsker of Brooklyn is charged with two counts each of robbery, assault on a police officer, riot, resisting arrest, reckless endangerment, and obstructing government administration, along with possession of marijuana.

Police say the officers were treated for bumps and bruises, including a broken nose, and released from the hospital.

Police say they found a bag full of hammers and a mask on the Brooklyn Bridge. Eyewitness News is told these are trademark items for those who are looking to wreak havoc while hiding within a crowd."

More people dying in LMPD shootings

December 14th, 2014 @ 6:20PM (10 years ago)

What percentage of homicides in Jefferson-Louisville Metro have black victims? What is the percentage of black perpetrators? What about race percentages of all shootings in Louisville? Are these percentages over 28% ? If a race participates in such activities at higher rate, then chances are they will be shot by the police as well. Its like putting two bullets in cylinder instead of one, playing russian roulette.

Yellow Journalism

December 15th, 2014 @ 1:10AM (10 years ago)
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In Sunday's print edition The Courier-Journal, an advertisement for a firearms supplier was published in close proximity to a front-page story exploring shooting fatalities involving law enforcement. This positioning was unfortunate and unintended.

This timing of the advertisement and the decision to run the story were independent actions within different departments of The Courier-Journal; however, we should have identified the inappropriate relationship and made an adjustment.

We are reviewing our internal processes and will make adjustments to ensure we prevent this problem in the future.

-Wesley Jackson

President and Publisher

More people dying in LMPD shootings

December 16th, 2014 @ 8:28AM (10 years ago)
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"I’m White Don’t Ignite"

Too bad the national media is only interested in reporting rare cases of white on black violence. If liberal establishmentarians would report black on white violence too, they would have a lot more material. The recent fad of setting white people on fire would also seem to be more interesting than weeks on end of hearing about the handful of black lawbreakers who manage to get themselves killed in conflicts with police. Clash Daily does the MSM’s job:

Robin and Mani Aldridge — Just last week, a beloved special needs teacher and her high school junior daughter from Charlottesville Virginia were beaten before they were burned in a house fire. Police arrested a black man named Gene Everett Washington and charged him with two counts of first-degree murder.

Michael Brewer – 15-year-old Michael from Miami had burns over 60% of his body after three black classmates poured alcohol on him and set him on fire. All three are serving time in prison.

Allen Goin — A 13-year-old from Kansas City, his two black teen attackers put him in a bear hug, poured gasoline on him and set him on fire saying, “This is what you get, white boy”.

Gabriela Penalba — A 23-year-old teacher in Knoxville Tennessee was set on fire by a 15-year-old black student. She briefly turned her back to the class when the student lit her hair and shirt ablaze.

Kathryn “Kit” Grazioli — Colorado Springs firefighters found Kit’s 87-year-old body burning on a trail after a nearby resident called to report the fire. Officers arrested a black 21-year-old, Marcus Smith, and charged him with 1st degree murder. Kit was a deacon at her church and loved by the community.

Jonathan Foster — In Houston, Mona Nelson, a black 44-year-old woman abducted and killed 12-year-old Jonathan with a blowtorch on Christmas Eve, later dumping his body in a ditch. She was found guilty of capital murder and sentenced to life in prison. The story was getting mainstream media coverage until they arrested a black woman.

Kenneth Athey — Beaten with a hammer, stabbed, doused with chemicals and set on fire, 87-year-old Kenneth survived to testify against his black male attacker.

Luke Fleischman — a black teenager, who was prosecuted as an adult and sentenced to seven years for the hate crime, set the 18-year-old on fire while sleeping on a bus in San Francisco.

Richard Michael Carter — Two black brothers were arrested for shooting and burning Richard, a father from South Carolina.

Flo “Violet” Parker –The 67-year-old homeless woman from California was set on fire by a black man as she slept on a bench.

Nancy Harris — The 76-year-old grandmother was killed when a black man set fire to her while she was working at a convenience mart. She was loved in her Texas hometown and known as Grandma to everyone.

Melinda McCormick — A black woman and two black men beat and burned Melinda to death.

Jimmy Sanders – Shot and burned after stopping to help two black men, Erik Ellis, 28, and Malcolm Melton, 22, with car trouble. “He didn’t answer his phone. I called about eight or nine times. About an hour after he wouldn’t answer I got really, really nervous and upset,” Betty Sanders said. Jimmy was 65 and also from Mississippi, where Jessica Chambers was just burned.

Raymond Vasholz — Raymond died after his black neighbor, Terrance Hale, attacked him and his wife and set fires. Elizabeth and Raymond were married 58 years.

Odds are excellent that 19-year-old Jessica Chambers belongs on this list. Otherwise, the establishment media wouldn’t be burying her horrific murder.

The national media has joined the Obama Administration and leftist activists like Al Sharpton in aggressively exploiting the Michael Brown/Eric Garner spectacle to fan flames certain to result in more black on white violence. But don’t count on it to report the consequences

More people dying in LMPD shootings

December 16th, 2014 @ 8:22PM (10 years ago)

Answer your radio, collect your check, and go home. It is a simple concept. I love $60,000 a year to play on my phone all day.

Spinless Chief

December 17th, 2014 @ 2:13AM (10 years ago)

Blacks win. my oath means nothing. As long as our spineless chief comes to role call and says we need to "conversate" more, my job is done. Ive been trying to do that for 13 years as a white cop. if it worked i would have no AIRS and few arrests.

More people dying in LMPD shootings

December 17th, 2014 @ 9:21AM (10 years ago)
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More definitive proof that rogue police are the most prominent threat to African-Americans-

‘We Don’t Mind if It Takes Martial Law to Get This in Order’ — Another Innocent Teen Murdered in Chicago

Dec. 16, 2014 4:38pm Jason Howerton

A 15-year-old Chicago boy was reportedly shot and killed when he attempted to protect his twin brother during an armed robbery. The tragic killing has further shaken the violence-stricken city — one fed-up principal even floated the idea of “martial law” to gain control over the violence.

As twins Demario and Demacio Bailey walked to a school basketball game, four teenagers reportedly approached them and demanded their property.

“Get off my brother,” Demario reportedly yelled at one of the muggers who was going after his sibling. “He doesn’t have anything!”

One of the suspects then is said to have pulled out a gun and shot the 15-year-old boy in the chest. He died just three days before his 16th birthday.

Police later arrested 17-year-old Carlos Johnson and charged him as an adult with first-degree murder, robbery with a firearm and attempted robbery with a firearm. Two other teens were also reportedly charged with murder, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.

Dr. Garland Thomas-McDavid, the principal at Johnson College Prep, where the twins went to school, said in a statement to the Huffington Post that she’s more than tired of the violence that faces students every single day in the south side of Chicago.

“I believe I speak for every mother who lives on the south side of this city in saying we don’t mind if it takes martial law to get this in order,” she said. “Demario did not deserve to die three days from his sixteenth birthday.”

“Multiple children are being victimized daily, and I think we should use whatever means are necessary to stop this,” the principal added. “Why is it that there are communities in the city where children are safe every day all day, but on the south and west sides, we are comfortable allowing children to be killed in droves? Our children are worth saving and protecting and if it’s not a priority to the powers that be, then bring someone else in here who won’t make excuses. A life is a life. A child is a child.”

More people dying in LMPD shootings

December 17th, 2014 @ 4:41PM (10 years ago)

A new message for all demonstrators to place on the front of your shirts and signs


Courtesy of Officer Jason Barthel, South Bend, Indiana Police

More people dying in LMPD shootings

December 17th, 2014 @ 6:38PM (10 years ago)

Hey Obama Hater Guy:

what is your thoughts on Obama reaching out to strengthen US / Cuban relationships? Do you have an opinion or are you just going to wait for Hannity to tell you how to react?

More people dying in LMPD shootings

December 18th, 2014 @ 8:34AM (10 years ago)
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In 2012, according to the CDC, 140 blacks were killed by police. That same year 386 whites were killed by police. Over the 13-year period from 1999 to 2011, the CDC reports that 2,151 whites were killed by cops — and 1,130 blacks were killed by cops.

Police shootings, nationwide, are down dramatically from what they were 20 or 30 years ago. The CDC reported that in 1968, shootings by law enforcement — called “legal intervention” by the CDC — was the cause of death for 8.6 out of every million blacks. For whites the rate was was .9 deaths per million.

By 2011, law enforcement shootings caused 2.74 deaths for every million blacks, and 1.28 deaths for every million whites. While the death-by-cop rate for whites has held pretty steady over these last 45 years, hovering just above or below the one-in-a-million level, the rate for blacks has fallen. In 1981, black deaths by cop stood at four in a million, but since 2000 has remained just above or below two in a million.

So what’s driving this notion that there is now an “epidemic” of white cops shooting blacks when in the last several decades the numbers of blacks killed by cops are down nearly 75 percent?

Where’s the evidence suggesting race had anything to do with the death of 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland, who was pointing a pellet gun at bystanders before being shot and killed by police?

What’s the racial nexus to the death of Eric Gardner, the large, obese man who died after being taken down by several NYPD cops?

While the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case became another racial thermometer of America, the jury found Zimmerman not guilty, and several jurors later said that during jury deliberations “race never came up.”

The Ferguson, Missouri, shooting of Michael Brown by officer Darren Wilson is yet another case where there is absolutely no evidence that whatever happened occurred because of Michael Brown’s race. Did officer Wilson display racial animus? Does anyone know if this officer Wilson had some racist background? With the desire by media for a scalp, such information would have long ago been made public by somebody.

This white-cop-out-to-get-black-civilian narrative advances the interest of many. The media loves what Tom Wolfe called the “Great White Defendant” — a bad white guy everybody can agree to dislike. For the Democrats, it furthers their assertion that race remains a major problem in America, that Republicans/tea partiers/black conservatives are out to get them, and you must vote for us. For “activists” like the Revs. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, and local wannabes, it gives them continued relevance.

That this “epidemic” is imaginary can be demonstrated by the recent stories that never became national news.

In Mobile, Alabama, a black cop shot and killed an unarmed white teenager. As with Michael Brown, the Alabama teen was later found to have been under the influence of marijuana at the time of the shooting. The teen had also recently taken a hallucinogen, and was so stoned he thought he was on fire ?- and literally took his clothes off. Nude — and obviously unarmed — he was still later shot by the cop. Despite public pressure, a Mobile grand jury decided not to indict the black police officer, believing he acted in self-defense. Not national news.

In Salt Lake City, Utah, just two days after Brown was shot and killed in Ferguson, a “not white” cop shot and killed an unarmed 20-year-old man whose race has been described as Hispanic. The family of the dead man believes that the cop is a murderer. Not national news.

In Pennsylvania, a state trooper named Kelly Cruz was accused in 2009 of stomping on the head of a handcuffed suspect laying on the ground, resulting in facial fractures, a broken nose and damaged teeth. The trooper, at the time, was attached to a local drug task force and was part of a raid on a suspected meth lab. One of the men inside escaped during the raid, and the victim — who, according to another officer, was seen running from the scene and found five houses away — was thought to be the meth lab escapee. Turns out the victim was not a meth lab escapee. The local grand jury decided not to indict the trooper. The feds, however, filed civil rights charges against the cop. He was found not guilty by the federal jury. Not national news.

It is rare for a cop to shoot and kill any civilian. Excluding practice on the gun range, 95 percent of officers never discharge their firearm while in the line of duty, including those who work for big-city departments. The first time — and only time — officer Darren Wilson used his firearm while on duty was in the Michael Brown case. The facts do not support the narrative that there is an epidemic of white cops shooting unarmed blacks.

We are being manipulated.

Larry Elder is a best-selling author and radio talk-show host. To find out more about Larry Elder, or become an “Elderado,” visit www.LarryElder.com.

More people dying in LMPD shootings

December 18th, 2014 @ 8:19PM (10 years ago)
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Police: Man chases, runs over victim with car

Joey Brown

Dec 18, 2014 11:18 AM

LOUISVILLE, KY (WAVE) - A Louisville man is accused of chasing another man with his car before finally running over him. Police say the victim had filed an emergency protective order (EPO) against the suspect two days before the incident.

According to an arrest report, Kendy N. Laurent, 23, was driving in the 4100 block of West Broadway just after 9 p.m. on Dec. 17 when he saw the victim walking down the street. Police say Laurent drove past the victim, made a U-turn on Broadway, accelerated the vehicle, drove through a yard and hit the man. The victim was thrown into the air and landed on the concrete. He suffered a broken pelvis, a broken leg and possible internal bleeding.

The EPO stipulated that Laurent was to have no contact with the victim and to stay at least 500 feet away from him, police say.

Laurent is charged with first-degree assault, second-degree assault, two counts of wanton endangerment and violating an Kentucky EPO/DVO.

Bond was set at $35,000.

Copyright 2014 WAVE 3 News. All rights reserved.

More people dying in LMPD shootings

December 18th, 2014 @ 11:55PM (10 years ago)

Your stupidity is flagrant.

More people dying in LMPD shootings

December 20th, 2014 @ 12:24PM (10 years ago)

-Don't worry. If things don't work out, you can always run for mayor.

Louisville, Ky. (WHAS11) - Former West Buechel police officer John Kelly walked into the hearing on December 19 confident.

"Were you hanging out when you were supposed to be policing?," asked WHAS 11's Renee Murphy.

"No," said Kelly.

He is looking to get his job back after he was fired, accused of hanging out while he was supposed to be on the clock, being insubordinate, and not keeping records of a juvenile he was transporting.

"My policing practices are solid," said Kelly. Kelly spoke exclusively to WHAS after the hearing.

"Do you deserve to be a police officer?," asked Murphy.

"I do. I do a lot of good out there," said Kelly.

The chief wouldn't talk about the termination, but Kelly said this is politically motivated

"Ever since the old chief left and the assistant chief left, I'm the last piece of that administration. I feel they are trying to get rid of me so he can pretty much run the department the way he wants to," said Kelly.

"This is, unfortunately, the mayor getting the last thing she wants accomplished on the way out the door," said Ramon Mcgee, Kelly's attorney.

While those from the city aren't talking about the case, we looked into Kelly's past. He was fired from LMPD in 2005 after an alleged drunk driving incident. He also had numerous suspensions while working as an officer in Louisville.

The mayor said she wasn't told of his past problems when he was hired.

"If they look at my past career, they will see that I have made over a thousand arrests, and I have 100 percent conviction rating. The streets were safer. I did make a few violations, but I am human," said Kelly.

Now he waits to learn his fate

More people dying in LMPD shootings

December 21st, 2014 @ 12:36PM (10 years ago)

Why the hell were we not arresting people "protesting" blocking the intersection in the Highlands? This only encourages more unlawful protest!

Sad day

December 21st, 2014 @ 5:41PM (10 years ago)

Please be safe. Thank you for everything you do.

More people dying in LMPD shootings

December 22nd, 2014 @ 9:00AM (10 years ago)

I don't know about the permit but I do know I had several days notice of the march and had a professional made banner supporting Sherrard for mayor and was at 5th and Broadway displaying same. So it was not an impromptu march by any means.

More people dying in LMPD shootings

January 3rd, 2015 @ 8:20PM (10 years ago)

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