LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Complaint filed against LMPD officers involved in troubled boy's summer camp


RE: Complaint filed against LMPD officers involved in troubled...

November 16th, 2014 @ 11:58AM (10 years ago)

You're a perfect example of how racists can be of any race. If you're on the department I hope you get fired soon, because people like you don't belong in law enforcement. If you're not, then f*** off and get a better hobby.

RE: Complaint filed against LMPD officers involved in troubled...

November 16th, 2014 @ 11:59AM (10 years ago)

Wow. Hate much?

RE: Complaint filed against LMPD officers involved in troubled...

November 16th, 2014 @ 12:06PM (10 years ago)

I'm just wondering....If there are riots, will you admit that you were wrong and that some segments of the population, black, white or otherwise, are violently aggressive, reactionary and looking for any excuse to smash windows and take things that do not belong to them?

RE: Complaint filed against LMPD officers involved in troubled...

November 16th, 2014 @ 12:11PM (10 years ago)
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IF there are no riots, I will breathe a sigh of relief and be thankful that cooler heads and reason prevailed. You on the other hand, are a typical schadenfreude-douchebag and will use any outcome to attempt to justify a your patently one-sided, racial, radical agenda.

RE: Complaint filed against LMPD officers involved in troubled...

November 16th, 2014 @ 1:04PM (10 years ago)

How much cowardice did my ancestors show from April 12th, 1861 to April 9th, 1865? Your memory must be shaded and selective.