LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Complaint filed against LMPD officers involved in troubled boy's summer camp


RE: Complaint filed against LMPD officers involved in troubled...

November 14th, 2014 @ 11:44PM (10 years ago)

Let's get back to the basics, police work that is, and forget about all the extra fluff that nobody gives a crap about. No wonder the department is broke, because we waste too much money on non-police stuff.

RE: Complaint filed against LMPD officers involved in troubled...

November 15th, 2014 @ 1:23PM (10 years ago)

I disagree. SRO's serve a valuable purpose. Thanks to busing, they are needed all over Jefferson county to at least try and maintain some semblance of order in the schools. It's like being a lone corrections officer, locked away 8 hours a day with a thousand or so inmates. I respect them for what they do. If it weren't for them, the beat cars would be making more runs to schools every day. Don't belittle their cause or commitment.

RE: Complaint filed against LMPD officers involved in troubled...

December 21st, 2014 @ 12:19PM (10 years ago)
Posted by: Booger

Police ..... what's that ??? If we do try to police we get cussed at, told were not wanted , or why did you stop me or worst yet shot at and heaven forbid we respond with ANY type of force ( when needed of course) I say just go to work and fine a safe place to park...with others and respond to calls for service ( with a 2nd car ) then go back to your safe place until the next call . NOTHING PROACTIVE