Officer involved shooting are incredibly complex investigations. Not because of the incident, but becauise of the political and social realities that agencies must face. In this case, William Chad Mattingly, a convicted felon, with pending drug charges had been released by the court. To ensure that he would be safe from other drug realers he was obviously in possession of a hand gun, yet another illegal act on his part. For which ever reason he dicides to shoot at our officers. Our officers are
Officer involved shooting are incredibly complex investigations. Not because of the incident, but becauise of the political and social realities that agencies must face. In this case, William Chad Mattingly, a convicted felon, with pending drug charges had been released by the court. To ensure that he would be safe from other drug realers he was obviously in possession of a hand gun, yet another illegal act on his part. For which ever reason he dicides to shoot at our officers. Our officers are