Thursday, August 14th, 2014
Threats based on movie taken seriously by police |
RE: Threats based on movie taken seriously by police
You are exactly right. Two steps can stop the violence: 1. Pull all news media from the area. If stupid people have no audience to perform to and can not go home and watch themselves on their new TV just stolen in the name of "poor" Michael Brown they will quit coming. 2. Pull the police from the area and send in only one F/A - 22 Raptor - case closed !
RE: Threats based on movie taken seriously by police
Excellent post op. Criminal behavior is criminal behavior. Political correctness has overtaken common sense. Enforce the law, put the resources froward to arrest lawbreakers and let the investigation run it's course. Al Sharpton and the rest of the so called activists are camera sucking leaches. Chicago black on black homocides are out of control where is Al? Sharpton is the most racist person out there.
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