LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

UofL worker shot in robbery near NuLu


RE: UofL worker shot in robbery near NuLu

August 3rd, 2014 @ 8:25AM (11 years ago)

So you disagree with op and he is an a** hole? Who made you King dipstick!

RE: UofL worker shot in robbery near NuLu

August 3rd, 2014 @ 9:20AM (11 years ago)

Let me start by saying thank you for you service, but yours is not the first generation to have went to combat. I myself served during the Panamanian conflict and the First Gulf War. When I came on, many of the officers with the department were Vietnam veterans and there were still one or two Korean War veterans riding the beat. To me, they were all heroes and they all did their job in a class-a uniform, patent leather shoes and they broke my balls when I had the audacity to come to roll call in a pair of Hi-Tech boots. Nothing has changed but the faces and the names. Wear any authorized uniform that you feel most comfortable in and move on. Calling other officers profanities because they disagree with you and belittling their opinions because they may not have been in the military does nothing to promote your cause.