LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

UofL worker shot in robbery near NuLu


RE: UofL worker shot in robbery near NuLu

August 2nd, 2014 @ 11:58AM (11 years ago)

The Class A is not really a Dress uniform, very far from it. A dress uniform would be something similar to what majors and above wear for special occasions, or something that closely resembles an Honor Guard uniform.

RE: UofL worker shot in robbery near NuLu

August 2nd, 2014 @ 1:24PM (11 years ago)

got it. funny. got it.

RE: UofL worker shot in robbery near NuLu

August 3rd, 2014 @ 1:31AM (11 years ago)

Police officers have made arrests for hundreds of years in Class A uniforms. Suddenly, a new generation of police officers comes along and their parents have paid their way through college. They never wanted to be police officers to begin with, but have decided the weak economy has left them no choice. So they become police officers and eventually make it through the ranks and are able to make some changes. First thing is the uniform...they need to feel comfortable and more hip "with the times" so they don't look like police officers but instead like cool kids who just happen to work for the police department. This generation has to change everything because they were told in college "change" is always better than what has always worked. I went to Kroger today to buy some Oreos. I noticed there are now about 5 different versions of the cookie now days. You got lemon cream Oreo, vanilla Oreo, peanut butter Oreo, mint Oreo, even birthday cake Oreo. And would somebody please tell me the difference between Quiznos, Subway, and Jimmy John's? Seems everyone wants to put their print on something...