LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Gay Adult Film Star Allegedly Kicked Out Of Kentucky Kingdom


RE: Gay Adult Film Star Allegedly Kicked Out Of Kentucky Kingdom

July 17th, 2014 @ 8:30PM (10 years ago)

On the contrary, homosexuality was more common in ancient history than in modern America. It became less common thanks to monotheistic religions replacing paganism. Societies where the average person is becoming less free or prosperous commonly react by having greater interest in homosexuality, sexual perversion, violence as a form of entertainment and other reversions to evil. As seen in the Roman Empire and on the American TV set. I hesitate to think what America will look like after another 50 years of people like Obama running the country. The Islamists don't like gays so you better pray to the 1 true God that Republicans can keep this country from being overrun by them.