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Group alleges LMPD racially profiled teens, calls for more oversight


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Group alleges LMPD racially profiled teens, calls for more oversight...

June 27th, 2014 @ 5:18AM (11 years ago)







Group alleges LMPD racially profiled teens, calls for more oversight...

June 27th, 2014 @ 10:58AM (11 years ago)

I'm all for getting these things right, but last time I saw the video(s) on TV there were no other ethnic groups to be seen. Since there was only one race represented in the mob violence, how is it racial profiling if all of the accused are of that race? If the case against them was weak or lacking facts or supporting evidence, than so be it. But this sounds more like a certain organization is just trying to push it's own agenda and (once again) put the blame somewhere it does not belong. Personal accountability is dead!

Group alleges LMPD racially profiled teens, calls for more oversight...

June 27th, 2014 @ 1:50PM (11 years ago)

Where was this so called "alliance against racism" when black mobs beat up white people and threw bricks at a car load of white children? HYPOCRITES!

Group alleges LMPD racially profiled teens, calls for more oversight...

June 27th, 2014 @ 9:31PM (11 years ago)

This is a great idea! Let's have a board of citizens review every arrest, every case, every interview/Interrogation before it goes to the court system. Then after their thorough and unbiased review forward their findings to the judges. This review board would be highly educated, extensively trained, motivated individuals seeking truth, justice, and the American way. Hey we could eliminate commanding officers in the PD and have officers report directly to the board. How about this a civilian review board member is assigned to every beat cop and rides with him. When a situation is encountered requiring police action, that board member can immediately guide the officer on what action to take!

Group alleges LMPD racially profiled teens, calls for more oversight...

June 28th, 2014 @ 8:22AM (11 years ago)

"Kathleen Parks, chair of the Kentucky Alliance, is proposing a Civilian Accountability Council." She just needs that CAC.

Group alleges LMPD racially profiled teens, calls for more oversight...

June 28th, 2014 @ 9:25AM (11 years ago)
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If I get some card tables, folding chairs, and a handful of full-time activists to call themselves my membership, will the media show up at my public announcements too? I hereby call for all police cars to be painted lime green to break down the existing prejudice towards the color lime green.

Kentucky Coalition for Painting Everything Lime Green

Group alleges LMPD racially profiled teens, calls for more oversight...

June 28th, 2014 @ 5:43PM (11 years ago)

Our weak Mayor will allow this group to have their way. BTW, No other LMPD promotions have been held in the Mayor's gallery until "Fischer" made our Chief appoint Greg Burns as an Assistant Chief and now, he wants this promotion held in his gallery.

A slap to the face to all the newly promoted Sergeants 4-6 months ago, who are having to attend this ceremony. This is nothing but a political stunt to pad his resume.

When the S*it hits the fan and Burns is unable to or makes the wrong decision (due to his incompetence) and lives are jeopardized then I hope our Mayor is happy with the decision he made.

Group alleges LMPD racially profiled teens, calls for more oversight...

July 1st, 2014 @ 8:11PM (11 years ago)

Serious lawmakers and serious US courts banned gay marriage from 1776 to 2014. They should add a judge to the Village People.

Andrew Wolfson, The Courier-Journal 7:06 p.m. EDT July 1, 2014

In striking down Kentucky's ban on gay marriage, a federal judge Tuesday rejected Gov. Steve Beshear's argument that the ban is needed because only opposite sex couples can procreate and maintain the state's birth rate and economy.

"These arguments are not those of serious people," wrote Senior U.S. District Court Judge John G. Heyburn II.

"Even assuming the state has a legitimate interest in promoting procreation," Heyburn wrote in a 19-page opinion, its lawyers never explained how the exclusion of same-sex couples from marriage has "any effect whatsoever on procreation among heterosexual spouses.''

Heyburn stayed his ruling, putting it on hold pending the outcome of gay marriage cases from four states that are to be argued Aug. 6 at the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals. Those include Heyburn's ruling in February that Kentucky must recognize same-sex marriages performed elsewhere.


July 2nd, 2014 @ 12:26PM (11 years ago)

PLEASE could everyone please go to KSP web site and vote for our cruiser for best state police vehicle in the USA thanx Brothers & Sisters

Group alleges LMPD racially profiled teens, calls for more oversight...

July 3rd, 2014 @ 8:01PM (11 years ago)

Media Relations in-service training video

Module 4: Television interviewing techniques