LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Mob violence OT costs city almost $1 million


RE: Mob violence OT costs city almost $1 million

June 20th, 2014 @ 7:57PM (10 years ago)

I am not the one who was talking about Benghazi. So just throw that out the window. What about: IRS/Lois Lerner and Obama targeting tea party movement, Obama ignoring the border and trying to let MILLIONS of illegals become citizens (all for later democrat votes), the infamous BAMA PHONES, exploding welfare and making it so easy to get on and relaxing the rules, Obama exploding the national debt faster than any prez in the history of this nation, Obama attempting to ban any useful gun and ordering DHS to buy up so much ammunition (never been done at these levels and why does FEMA need millions of rounds????), yada yada yada. so I agree with him or her. OBAMA IS THE WORST PRESIDENT EVER. At least Jimmy Carter can breathe a sigh of relief though, 'cause it's no longer him.

RE: Mob violence OT costs city almost $1 million

June 20th, 2014 @ 8:04PM (10 years ago)

Agreed. Gas prices. Unemployment. Taxes. Housing market. Crime, which is a reflection on justice, or lack thereof. He's a joke.

RE: Mob violence OT costs city almost $1 million

June 20th, 2014 @ 11:43PM (10 years ago)


lives in a village in Texas.