LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

Jefferson County sheriff's deputies in trouble after trying to serve warrant


RE: Jefferson County sheriff's deputies in trouble after trying...

May 31st, 2014 @ 11:44AM (10 years ago)

True story....that's a stack of heaven right there.

RE: Jefferson County sheriff's deputies in trouble after trying...

May 31st, 2014 @ 4:27PM (10 years ago)

He is not suing Metro anymore. Don't assume the courts base their decisions on what the laws say, because they don't always do that. Judges are politicians too. A lot of the Constituion and the laws get overriden by political sentiments like the idea to get rid of Conatables in Louisville. We had slavery for 80 years although the Bill of Rights made it illegal. The courts are usually just doing the bidding of the Mayors, Governors and Presidents, as all the wiretapping stories and "enhanced interrogation" stories make obvious.