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Internal memo sheds more light on police actions night of March 22 violence


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Internal memo sheds more light on police actions night of March...

May 4th, 2014 @ 11:07PM (11 years ago)


Internal memo sheds more light on police actions night of March...

May 5th, 2014 @ 9:22AM (11 years ago)

Yeahhh, If someone could get the Chief another copy of that gang memo, that would be great.

"And, as they have said publicly, police said in the internal correspondence that this was not a typical event and not expected to occur again.

"This kind of violence activity we saw on Saturday is not normal for the park, downtown or any neighborhood in Louisville," Chief Steve Conrad wrote to Kip Eatherly, legislative aid for Glen Stuckel, R-17 on March 25.

Eatherly had asked what police planned on doing to prevent that type of incident from happening again.

Conrad replied that the March 22 incident was "truly unique" and police believed "things will return to normal in the park.

"But to help people feel more comfortable, we have pledged to have an enhanced police presence in and around the park for the foreseeable future."

Internal memo sheds more light on police actions night of March...

May 6th, 2014 @ 10:00AM (11 years ago)

Is the public really going to believe this bullchit?

Internal memo sheds more light on police actions night of March...

May 7th, 2014 @ 6:08PM (11 years ago)

Part of the problem is the State Legislators have taken away the arrest powers and abilities of Police Officers.

Internal memo sheds more light on police actions night of March...

May 8th, 2014 @ 7:51AM (11 years ago)

Ever heard of the term "SNOW JOB". This administration is great at it. All they want is for this mess at the waterfront to go away on it's own. Typical response from downtown. Wonder if the command staff discussed it at Ruth Criss over lunch.

Internal memo sheds more light on police actions night of March...

May 9th, 2014 @ 8:09AM (11 years ago)

The department is so short of officers, they should hire him retroactively and give him a 1 week suspension for breaking policy. http://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/crime/2014/05/05/photocopied-lmpd-badge-arrest/8721051/

Internal memo sheds more light on police actions night of March...

May 10th, 2014 @ 8:38AM (11 years ago)

My bet is $150,000 to settle.


Internal memo sheds more light on police actions night of March...

May 10th, 2014 @ 8:42AM (11 years ago)

"the driver refused to yield" is how the department says "we let them get away because our Command has no balls"

The stolen vehicle was first spotted in Louisville earlier Friday morning and Louisville Police attempted to make a stop, but say the driver refused to yield.

State Police began pursuit of the vehicle and chased it through Shelby County and parts of Franklin County. Police tell us the cruiser was weaving in and out of traffic at speeds exceeding 100 mph during the chase.

State Police were able to lay down spikes around exit 53 and stopped the vehicle shortly after 6 a.m.