LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

City to hire expert to determine appropriate size of police force


RE: City to hire expert to determine appropriate size of police...

April 27th, 2014 @ 11:17AM (11 years ago)

So, answer the question - you don't think LMPD (and for that matter, all of the other employees in city government who drive unmarked cars) should have to follow state law? Yes or no? Should the public works director tool around in a nice SUV with no one the wiser that's he's in a publicly owned vehicle? (Mmmnn, didn't that hit the news awhile back?) Not whether you think it is a good idea, just, should we be required to follow it? (And if you answer no, then you just said it would be perfectly OK to work you 60 hours a week and not pay OT ... that's just ... the law, after all.) I assume you drive an unmarked car and would prefer to keep it that way?