LMPD :: Louisville Metro Police Department

City to hire expert to determine appropriate size of police force


RE: City to hire expert to determine appropriate size of police...

April 24th, 2014 @ 5:09AM (11 years ago)

Some guys or girls on here think that Louisville is as bad as cities like Chicago or LA. Give me a break a full time SWAT team. No agency in KY needs a full time SWAT team not even KSP. I check the mdt every now and then, some days are busy and some are not. Some of you people think its Armageddon around here. Yes we have lots of crime going on but the solution isnt full time SWAT, its more beat officers riding through neighborhoods and patrolling. We dont need more guys in specialty units just in patrol and we need to hire at least 100-150 officers. Lastly drop the mandatory stats. Officers out on the main roads all the time writing one headlighters and other traffic tickets are not patrolling their beats the way they should be. Crime is out of control because this dept thinks its more efficient for its officers to do busy work writing traffic tickets than to catch burglars and other criminals. This place is a joke and could care less about really reducing crime, thats why they fix the stats to make it look like this is Mayberry.

RE: City to hire expert to determine appropriate size of police...

April 29th, 2014 @ 4:32PM (11 years ago)

For a bunch of grown men who regret never serving in the real military. Just some, not all.